Shakespeare Marathon and Half Marathon 2014

9 watchers
Apr 2014
2:11pm, 28 Apr 2014
First-time poster!!
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Snook in under 2 hours for my first half. Really happy. Fab race, very well organised and supported. I will be back for some more. Time to book some 10k's first though. Bath half next year Carrot Cake 7? xx
Apr 2014
9:23pm, 28 Apr 2014
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[Removed by moderator]
Jun 2014
8:29pm, 25 Jun 2014
268 posts
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Dave D
looking around for an autumn marathon and see theirs a running of this in November - Is it recommended ?
At the risk of negative thinking (but im not great with injuries) I like the idea of laps so I can step off the road if something goes "pop"
Jun 2014
9:02pm, 25 Jun 2014
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Hi Dave D! The November one isn't the same as the 'Rotary Shakespeare Mara / HM' which is what most of the posts here relate to (always end April each year) - this one is run as you say as laps, of Long Marsdon airfield. I have never done the Long Marsdon 'raceways' event but I gather it's flat so good potential for PB in theory but if there is any wind, it could be harsh on the exposed airfield and there are also some switchbacks / tight corners which can interrupt pace. If you are concerned about injury then yes, a good one if you may need to pull out. I can' imagine it's very inspiring scenery-wise so the latter miles may be especially tough.
Jun 2014
9:03pm, 25 Jun 2014
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should have said *not* very inspiring scenery-wise!
Jun 2014
9:07pm, 25 Jun 2014
269 posts
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Dave D
A ha, cheers clare - should have done some more research before posting.
Ill prob start the training and wait to see how it goes before commiting
Jun 2014
9:41pm, 25 Jun 2014
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It seems daft that they have named their events 'Shakespeare' when there has been such a long standing event of the same name. I just didn't want you to read the posts on here and think they related to your event as the 2 are quite different. I would be tempted by the November HM myself but it's the day before Gosport which I am targeting. I don't think they fill up too quickly so you have time to decide yet. Good luck with your training :-)

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Maintained by Johnny Blaze
I just entered. My first race in two years.


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