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RW Mature Runners

4 lurkers | 12 watchers
26 Feb
4:00pm, 26 Feb 2025
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Sorry I've not been around just lately. My left foot has been twinging a bit the last few days and I've not managed to get out for any walks, so been feeling a bit fed up. But today, Margaret and I went to Croome and I was able to walk, using my walking boots, without any after-effects. And even better, although it rained on the way there, it was dry when we walked, the sun even came out, and the rain didn't start until we were safely back under cover, having our lunch.

Hillstrider - what I'm having to do with my laptop could be described as 'extremely fiddly', but now I've got the software back working as I want, things have settled down and it's all running fine again. I've made an appointment to discuss drafting a new version of my will for 17th March. The person I'm seeing also helps draw up LPA's - that will be the next thing I'll get some advice on, once the new will is done. I see you are back in shorts again - I've not been brave enough to wear mine yet while out walking. Sorry to hear the conditions were so wet and muddy for your recent road run but glad to hear the conditions improved a bit for the subsequent 8ml run. Good news that your hearing test showed there's been no change.

Aquarius - I've written below the latest re the golf shoes and a 'cunning plan' I've come up with. I hope you're right about it not being too long before I'm back out playing golf with Alan and my u3a friends. Shame you weren't feeling like braving the elements to do the trail run you had planned - but well done for the 8ml run the day after. Well done to your sons for managing the 10ml run. Oops re not heeding the 'red sky' warning and getting soaked to the skin on your subsequent run. I remember getting back from a run once and Margaret seeing me dripping on the doormat, demanded I peel off there and then and not drip water into the house.

OO61 - great news the family have moved closer. Does this mean you'll now be more readily available for babysitting duties etc?

My son gave me some extremely good techie advice which is proving very useful and will save me money. I was telling him about selling my lp's and making sure I had a copy on cd or a download version before getting rid of them. I had discovered the cd's cost more than I thought and wondered aloud whether it might be more cost-effective to get a usb turntable and copy the lp's myself. No need for all that he said. He explained I'll find a lot of people have copied lp's and published them on YouTube. He pointed me towards some free software you can use to copy the audio track of the videos. I've done that for around 10 of my lp's so far and I'll carry on with as many others as I need to.

Re the golf shoes - I'm beginning to wonder if these shoes will ever suit me? The top of my foot, just in front of the ankle, seems to get pressured by the top of the shoes where I lace them up. I may be lacing them too tight or perhaps the distance from the sole to the laces is less than my feet? Or maybe I need some extra padding there? I had a cunning plan (a la Baldrick) of perhaps cannibalising some old running shoes and using the 'tongue' from them to insert between the shoe and my foot. Like Baldrick's plans, this may not work at all! Anyway, I'll let you know how I get on! :)
26 Feb
11:08pm, 26 Feb 2025
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Nice tip on the cds Wtnmel. Yes babysitting is on the schedule....
28 Feb
4:29pm, 28 Feb 2025
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Aquarius thanks. I suppose that I am lucky to still have good hearing at my age.

WtnMel, that's good news that you were able to walk on Wednesday in your walking boots without any problems. I see that you have also got your laptop working to your satisfaction.

Well done for making arrangements to draw up a new will, and an lPA. It's essential to have these 'up and running' as we never know when they will be needed.

You are lucky to have a son that is able to advise you on these technical matters. It's the old story, it's easy when you know how.

Good luck with your experimentation with your golf shoes.

0061, good luck with the baby sitting.

I ran 5k in the rain with Sarah H on Wednesday, and a solo hilly 10k fartlek on roads yesterday. This morning was the usual Friday Farmers Walk. We are doing the Wilverley Inclosure parkrun tomorrow which is all off road. In 4 weeks, it will return to the college playing fields which is all on grass.
1 Mar
10:26am, 1 Mar 2025
124 posts
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WtnMel I like your cunning plan for the golf shoes, I hope it proves effective. Sorry to hear you are still having twinges in your left foot, but good to see you managed to walk around Croome with no ill effects. I keep thinking about arranging LPAs, but as usual put it off. I know it's something that I'll need to get around to though. Good advice from your son re Youtube, it's one of the few internet thingies that I use quite a lot, anything from yoga classes to classical music, not to mention "how to" videos, it's amazing what you can find on there.

HS More good running from you this week, as well as your usual Farmers Walks (I think you should set up a competition or leaders board for this activity, there must be others out there that use it as a form of cross training :-) ). Good luck at Wilverley Inclosure today.

0061 The joys of babysitting (that's all I'm saying).

XC for me later today at Alnwick, and thank goodness the weather looks half decent for a change.
1 Mar
10:04pm, 1 Mar 2025
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Alnwick is a wonderful setting for XC, hope you enjoyed Aquarius.
Hope the parkrun went well hillstrider. I paced at Whitley bay and came in 2 secs below target time, getting one of my club pals a course PB and 1st lady. And a great family meet up...
2 Mar
5:01pm, 2 Mar 2025
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Hillstrider - well done re the recent training.

Aquarius - the golf shoes cost me £100 so I hope I can find an answer to make them more comfortable! It's like buyong shoes - you try them on at the shop and they 'seem' okay, then later on, you discover they're not I don't use YouTube myself, though I know that's all my son watches. But I've become a 'regular' now I know I can find a lot of my old lp's on there. Hope the XC at Alnwick went well.

OO61 - good result to get to within two seconds below your target and some good results from those running with you.

I went for a walk earlier - it was lovely in the sunshine. Then I made coffee and cooked our Sunday roast (go me!). Margaret has just popped out for a walk .. she made a cake earlier so there may be some testing done in a bit to make sure it's up to standard.
4 Mar
2:32pm, 4 Mar 2025
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0061 XC was good thanks, as I crossed the line the another runner drew level with me. I wish I'd realised she was behind me, I was rather cross with myself when I saw the results and found that although we'd been given identical times she was listed above me (and was the only other V70 in the race!). Great pacing at parkrun, that's quite a skill.

WtnMel I know what you mean about buying shoes, they always seem less comfortable when you get them home.
Sounds like you and Margaret had a lovely Sunday (was the cake up to standard?)

We're over at the coast again this evening for a 5k on a slightly changed course to the usual one. Should be good though.
4 Mar
4:00pm, 4 Mar 2025
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Aquarius - Margaret was disappointed with the cake, but I wasn't complaining :) That's a bugger about the other lady getting listed above you. Enjoy your trip to the coast and good luck with the 5k.

I went for a 3.5ml walk this morning - and yesterday, I spent an hour in the garden sawing up branches from when I pruned our fruit trees a while back. My my feet don't seem to be complaining, which is good news.
5 Mar
3:00pm, 5 Mar 2025
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WtnMel Pity Margaret was disappointed with her cake, looks like you'll just have to eat it all. It would be the considerate thing to do :-) Good that your feet seem okay after your walk and gardening. All that sawing must count as cross training.

We ran a slightly different course last night for the club 5k, instead of the usual out and back it was 2 smaller laps which made a nice change. We stopped in the Premier Inn overnight and Steve went for a run along the prom before breakfast. After breakfast we had a nice but windy walk along the prom in the opposite direction.

I've got another strength session booked at the gym tomorrow, I hope it won't be too extreme as I'd like to go for a run afterwards. I'll see how I feel.
5 Mar
11:15pm, 5 Mar 2025
894 posts
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Wtnmel I love a cake especially a home baked one.
Glad you enjoyed GP Aquarius I thought the course looked better. I often train on the prom doing speed reps. Was there this morning before heading over to Keswick.

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Maintained by WtnMel
With the demise of the RW forums, several of us who used to chat on the 'Mature Runners' thread have been made homeless (I posted on it even though I am no longer a runner!). I have created this thread so we can continue chatting and I hope the others will find their way here ..
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