Sep 2016
9:17am, 13 Sep 2016
17,798 posts
I'll be putting the newsletter out late afternoon I guess, so if someone could fmail me if an appeal is needed, I'll stick one in. Good luck everyone.
Sep 2016
9:39am, 13 Sep 2016
11,932 posts
My preference would be A, but have a think what you think best, flanker.
Sep 2016
10:33am, 13 Sep 2016
7,674 posts
Definitely not B
Sep 2016
12:18pm, 13 Sep 2016
10,603 posts
Honestly? C
Feel really bad about it. Flanker, you're an utter star and I'm so sorry.
Sep 2016
1:23pm, 13 Sep 2016
2,299 posts
A would mean a hec of a lot of last minute faff to get everyone sorted in the places and to the right places. It *is* already Tuesday and the e-mail hasn't even gone out yet. Plus then there's finding out who's not doing what etc and who is doing what etc. Depends if you (and Kinky, cos I'm sure she's been a huge part of sorting stuff too) are happy to do the sorting and re-arranging. It seems a little too last minute for option A though as a personal thought.
B, I agree, would mean that we could jepordise future entry.
I think it's C too.
Sep 2016
1:29pm, 13 Sep 2016
9,994 posts
Sad times, remembers the days when Fetch could fill three times.
Sep 2016
1:32pm, 13 Sep 2016
9,995 posts
Or even fill three teams!
Sep 2016
1:36pm, 13 Sep 2016
4,238 posts
Pretty much what phal said.
I'd like to know if I can offer my services to my clubs team, then again a weekend relaxing at home in this heatwave would be nice too.
Indeed it is sad FR. 78000 registered users and we can't come up with a team between us!
Sep 2016
1:39pm, 13 Sep 2016
17,801 posts
I'm about to email about 28,000 of them. Let me know if you'd like me to ask.
Sep 2016
1:54pm, 13 Sep 2016
16,631 posts
I think the consensus is generally for C. And while my heart says A, as I love this weekend, my head says C for a number of reasons:
1. There's no guarantee we'd manage to get enough speedy types last minute to make it work anyway. Previous experience of last minute recruiting has never been very positive.
2. We've still got two members of the team who haven't been able to confirm due to very understandable personal circumstances
3. We've got 2 of the team carrying injuries, including Dave who we were relying on to make up the time the rest of us were going to lose!
4. Possibly most importantly, I don't want to piss the race organisers around as they already have a hell of a job on their hands. If we are to drop out I want to do it early and cleanly so we will be welcome back next year.
I'll pull us out then 😢
Thanks everyone for the support and kind words.
Now get out training; if we can all find 30 secs per mile we'll be sorted for next year!