Removing dairy products from diet

8 watchers
Jul 2012
1:41pm, 20 Jul 2012
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I saw my GP yesterday about I problem I've had since my teens with producing a lot of mucus and coughing / clearing my throat a lot. He was suggesting three things 1) possible reaction to house dust mites 2) breathing through my mouth while running and 3) too many diary products (more specifically too much calcium) in my diet.

He wants me to cut out as many diary products from my diet as I can over the next month and see him again. He also suggested taping my mouth together while running to force me to breathe through my nose! He prescribed me some beconase too (which other GP's in the past have given but it doesn't do much of anything to make a difference).

I just wondered if anyone could give some advice and foods to avoid but the supplement food to go in it's place to help reduce calcium intake?
Jul 2012
1:41pm, 20 Jul 2012
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Oh sh*t I mean dairy, not diary!!!
Jul 2012
1:43pm, 20 Jul 2012
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Pity, it's much easier to avoid eating diaries.
Jul 2012
1:51pm, 20 Jul 2012
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I think CC2 is pretty much dairy free these days and runs a LOT. Might be worth sending her an fmail though as she is pretty busy :)

As an aside I am not sure dairy has been proved to stimulate mucus production, so I wouldnt go too mad on the changing too many things at once or you may get a false positive and believe it is doing something when it isn't:
Jul 2012
2:04pm, 20 Jul 2012
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Welshwomble (WW)
Blister, I have all 3 problems too!!!

I have become intolerant to diary products over the years so reduced these from my diet although cheese lurked for quite some time and not much change, I am now a vegan and still experience mucus build up :( so not sure what the answer is.

The main cause of my mutley cough/clearing my throat is reflux - I was under a chest specialist for a couple of years whilst they tried to work out what was causing my breathing difficulties/persistent cough (ok, I am overweight so that is partly to do with it) and then they transferred me to ENT, the consultant diagnosed reflux on my first visit and after some tests, etc. confirmed that this was the case and that my oesophagus is leaking. By all accounts the acid gets into my lungs which causes the coughing and the clearing my throat is due to acid build up.

It could be a different scenario for you so I hope you get to the bottom of it. I can now manage my condition just need to get rid of the blubber around my middle ;) What I did find before I became vegan was that if I had diary (skinny latte) then the mucus production would double.
Jul 2012
2:19pm, 20 Jul 2012
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I'm not expert, but it seems like the doctor is trying too many things all together, so IF the problem gets solved who is to say
what solved it...the cutting out dairy, the beconase...or even the taping the mouth shut?!!?
Jul 2012
2:23pm, 20 Jul 2012
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plodding hippo
yep, reflux can indeed be a cause of chronic cough

Hope you are on antacid treatment

(not so sure about taping mouth when running!)
Jul 2012
2:49pm, 20 Jul 2012
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I more or less follow a dairy free diet, I do eat cheese and onion crisps, it's not easy to cut it out completely and your symptoms may get worse for a day before clearing up if it is dairy causing the problem. There are plenty of vegan products which you can use as substitutes for things like butter, milk and yogurts.
Jul 2012
10:31pm, 20 Jul 2012
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Elsie Too
My little boy is allergic to milk protein, so different to lactose intolerant but I also know someone that finds diary causes similar symptoms to yours.

We have been surprised how easy it has been to keep dairly out of his diet. Good soya milk is great but cheap soya milk tends to curdle when cooked or in hot drinks. The alpro soya milk is good but so is the supermarket own in the same shape carton. Cheap from aldi and lidle does the yucky curdle thing. For spreading on bread 'pure' is a good make and do 3 versions of dairy free marg so you'll find one you can like. For baking when it asks for butter use hard marg which is often dairy free. Stork hard marg is and again the supermarket own versions are the same but cheaper.

Alro yoghurts are fine, dairy free cheese is wrong and disgusting so please avoid it!

I agree, don't change more than one thing at a time.

Hope some of that helps.
Jul 2012
7:48am, 21 Jul 2012
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I have had no cheese for months as Elsie said most taste awful but I tried tesco's free from hard cheese recently and it was okay.

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Maintained by Blister
I saw my GP yesterday about I problem I've had since my teens with producing a lot of mucus and cou...

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