Jan 2020
7:57am, 26 Jan 2020
37,970 posts
Lip Gloss
Thanks FF, I did just claim it as a long run
Jan 2020
8:07am, 26 Jan 2020
8,280 posts
If you ran too fast and for too long, it counts as neither 🤣🤣
Jan 2020
8:34am, 26 Jan 2020
37,971 posts
Lip Gloss
ITG, I will never be too fast 😂😂😂
Mar 2020
4:33pm, 7 Mar 2020
7 posts
Hi everyone. So I tried these intervals for the first time in the week. Managed 8 goodish attempts, and 1 bleurgh before stopping. Ooof, hard work! I've been concentrating on increasing my distances, so this is a reminder to try to run faster. But today, I tried a long slow run. I'm supposed to be at 11.15/mile.i started at 10ish,but couldn't go slower. Any tips?! (never thought I'd ask for tips to go even more slowly!) Does running uphill count? Because that will certainly slow me up.
Mar 2020
5:12pm, 7 Mar 2020
1,595 posts
Fenland Flier
I struggle to run slowly too. I have found running with someone who is slower than yourself works
Mar 2020
5:56pm, 7 Mar 2020
14,647 posts
It takes practice! Shortening your stride can help, helping someone a bit slower can help - but you need to make sure it's you that's slowing down rather than them speeding up, or you aren't helping them!
Mar 2020
5:58pm, 7 Mar 2020
1,596 posts
Fenland Flier
Al makes a good point.
Mar 2020
12:13pm, 8 Mar 2020
9 posts
Thanks for the feedback. I lack experience and miles, and it makes targeting all paces tricky! I like just running and being in the moment, but I guess to improve I'm going to have to find a way to concentrate, but not so much that I lose the enjoyment. Still, having feedback and support makes it easier to think that one day I'll get the hang of this running lark! Cheers everyone.
Mar 2020
12:27pm, 8 Mar 2020
1,599 posts
Fenland Flier
Snufkin, just enjoy the running for now and when you are ready to take it further try again.
My venture into running was 3 runs a week building up steadily over a year, eventually I introduced tempo runs which actually weren't tempo runs at all but flat out attempts to improve my time over a regular circuit, I did learn what tempo runs were from this site when I joined and then I introduced timed intervals, 1 minute sprints and 1 minute rests then after I got used to those it was 2 minutes and 1 minute and I increased again when I could manage those 'easily'. The sprints shouldn't have been sprints either and again I learnt this from the site.
Project Joker helped me out here with suggested training paces and has helped me improve my short distance times as has the P&D marathon training book for my distance times. Good luck going forwards with your running.
Mar 2020
2:19pm, 8 Mar 2020
10 posts
Thanks FF. I guess that's what I'm using project joker for - more realistic paces and a prompt to do different types of runs. Just have to keep trying and see where I've got to in May. Even if I don't manage to follow it exactly, I'm finding a bit more structure useful.