Mar 2020
2:45pm, 8 Mar 2020
1,601 posts
Fenland Flier
That's just what I needed, good luck and don't beat yourself up over anything that doesn't go to plan.
Mar 2020
2:55pm, 16 Mar 2020
4,498 posts
Vancouver Jogger
First interval session since December (I think - maybe longer). The plan was - get it done early in the week and early in the day.
Struggling to get the right pace with my Fitbit Charge 2. Run round a football pitch a few times, and try and keep my pace in between 4:30ish and 5ish (mins per km) then sort out the details on Fetch after downloading. Doing 5 x 800m - although the route was measured at 821m, 853m (twice) and 869m (twice). Pace calculations come out as 4:45, 4:37, 4:43, 4:38 and 4:38. My PJ pace was supposed to be 4:53 - so pleased with that.
And the sun was shining
May 2020
11:27pm, 13 May 2020
2,060 posts
Wazelle the Gazelle
I did my first tempo run. I did not like it. I was making embarrassing noises and my back now feels sore. The rest of me? - well it's slightly smug.
May 2020
12:26am, 14 May 2020
1,692 posts
Fenland Flier
Well done Wazelle, it's a great feeling imo. I did my second tempo run Tuesday and doing my second interval session when I get up in the morning. Just the long run to finish week two.
May 2020
11:27am, 17 May 2020
1,697 posts
Fenland Flier
Week 2 completed with 3 more aces, 6/6.
Finished the week with a 10 mile progressive run. Sunny but breezy and my longest run since injury struck on February 17th.
May 2020
10:54pm, 24 May 2020
145 posts
Just Jim
Decided to give this plan a go. One starting question. Is it required ONLY to do the three runs, or can I throw in a couple of others?
My regular pattern is five days from seven
May 2020
11:03pm, 24 May 2020
1,721 posts
Fenland Flier
I've added in a recovery run.
There are 2 hard runs and some have struggled doing both intervals and a tempo run it sounds like you're used to running but have you trained to any plans in the past?
Do you run at different paces during your current running?
May 2020
6:34am, 25 May 2020
430 posts
I also throw in some easy/recovery runs between the three key sessions and find they help with aerobic base and shaking the legs out after the fast sessions!
Good luck with the plan Jim!
May 2020
11:56am, 25 May 2020
146 posts
Just Jim
Thanks for the responses.
I've been experimenting with different paced runs, that's why this plan appealed to me.
I'll see what I come up with and check back with you, if that's ok.
May 2020
12:06pm, 25 May 2020
1,722 posts
Fenland Flier
No probs JJ, just ask whatever you want and I'm sure someone will answer as best we can.
However I will point out that we are all different and run differently too, what suits one won't necessarily suit another.
Good luck with Project Joker this is my 3rd or 4th time going through it.