
8 lurkers | 214 watchers
Jul 2022
8:50am, 8 Jul 2022
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Johnny Blaze
They need to stake him quickly.

They also need to keep the idiot away from their conference stage in the Autumn because he will just disrupt the whole thing.

If they have any sense they will get him out the door and then dismantle his legacy and his reputation piece by piece.

If they don't they can expect him to cause trouble a la Trump for years. He's a lot younger than Trump.
Jul 2022
8:53am, 8 Jul 2022
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Johnny Blaze
I can definitely see something like this:

Resigns his seat
Makes loads of money for 5 years
Gets parachuted into a safer seat
Starts back on the campaign trail again

I don't "think" that would work but it doesn't mean he won't try it.
Jul 2022
8:57am, 8 Jul 2022
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Johnny Blaze
What I mean is, he is such a narcissist that he clearly has Presidential delusions:

I'm a political giant
The people in my party are all pygmies
I was brought down by trivia
I GBD and won an election with an 80 seat majority. Me, nobody else
The people love me
I can do it all again

I reckon there must be a good 15-25% of the country who still thinks the sun shines out of his arse. That's bad news for the Tories.
Jul 2022
9:01am, 8 Jul 2022
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Dave W
But good news for everyone else.

He needs his own party, and that will split the Tory vote.

"The BJ Party" has a nice ring to it, but there is of course a great double entendre in there.
Jul 2022
9:05am, 8 Jul 2022
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Of course Johnson can't do the caretaker role properly. Have people learnt nothing over the entirety of his career?
Jul 2022
9:08am, 8 Jul 2022
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That's all certainly possible.

I've no issue with him making money as a speaker etc - more fool the idiots prepared to pay him, tbh.

Will be interesting to see if the cult of Johnson persists and he turns into some Farage style character. He certainly won't want to disappear into the background, and no-one in their right minds would consider him for appointment to the sort of elder statesman roles chairing international groups, think tanks etc etc. It will be at least interesting to see what he does next.
Jul 2022
9:09am, 8 Jul 2022
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Johnny Blaze
Narcissists gonna erm narcissise. If they appease him he will run rings round them, because he has no conscience and doesn't give a shit about "The Tory Party". The new leader has to take him on and marmelise the fat oaf.

If the Republicans had had a spine, impeached Trump and voted to bar him from office he would be history now. As it is he and they went the darker route and that will, I hope lead to them losing the Senate and the presidency over the next few years. Sanity might start to set in then.
Jul 2022
9:18am, 8 Jul 2022
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Read a WP article making a similar point JB - in praise of the British system, and criticising the spineless GOP for not taking Trump on when they had the chance. Though a Trump Party would almost certainly arise from that, and perhaps that's what the Reps were terrified of.
Jul 2022
9:20am, 8 Jul 2022
2,122 posts
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Watching the news last night there’s definitely a sizeable element of voters that would forgive him if he took a dump in their cornflakes. Would be fun down the pub apparently.
Jul 2022
9:24am, 8 Jul 2022
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Johnny Blaze
Some Yanks seem to think that if Trump's staff had resigned en masse like the Tories did this week a lot of unpleasantness could have been avoided. I don't see it that way, because Trump's cabinet isn't elected. They owe their jobs to him, not the electorate. That changes matters somewhat. Plus, most of them are as mad as a box of frogs.

The new Tory Leader should get straight out of the blocks:
Thanks for Brexit, Bozo
Thanks for the election win
But unfortunately you were:
A serial liar
Lacked judgement
Degraded standards in public life and jeopardised the Tory party image of good government and competence (sic)

We can't ever have a leader like you again.

No weakness. Take the fight to the muppet.

And just keep hammering that.

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