
1 lurker | 214 watchers
Nov 2020
6:22pm, 15 Nov 2020
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The bizarre thing is that people are giving him a reasonable chance if he were to run again 2024. His behaviour since the election has shown to everybody that he does not believe he can be voted out - any votes against him are de facto illegitimate. So people voting for him in 2024 would effectively be voting to end democracy in the US.

It was suspected that this would be the way he would behave, but I would have thought the clear confirmation of his autocratic mindset would prove off-putting to people. But then I have heard figures saying that 25-30% of voters in a democracy* don't actually want democracy at all, but a 'strong man' in office. Rather scary.

*This probably doesn't go for more civilised places like Scandinavia, but is almost certainly the case in the US and here.
Nov 2020
7:22pm, 15 Nov 2020
8,976 posts
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A name (even if it is Trump) will cut through to a lot more voters than an unknown. That's before any policies come in to play.
Nov 2020
7:31pm, 15 Nov 2020
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So from the reports I've seen I understand that 16 cases have made it to court and all have been dismissed almost immediately. Some of my favourites:

Objecting to the result because Republican observers were not allowed in to the counting centres. The judge established that this wasn't true by asking Trumps lawyer, who chose not to perjure himself. Case dismissed.

There was clearly tampering with postal ballots because we saw military ballots for Biden and the military would only vote for Trump. No further evidence of any tampering was presented. Case dismissed.

There was definitely something dodgy going on because a van arrived at the counting centre. We didn't see what was in it. We didn't see any ballots going in or out of the van but why else would a van be at the counting centre? (It was a food delivery by the way, for the counting staff). No further evidence presented. Case dismissed.

Now if you see the whole transcripts or even any kind of balanced reporting it's clear that these court cases are theatre rather than legal action but if you're hearing the Trump camp shouting about it all and nothing else it's clearly evidence that the establishment is biased against their Messiah.

There are so many people in that silo and only hearing the Trump version of "facts" and buying them wholesale. It's scary.
Nov 2020
7:34pm, 15 Nov 2020
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It is very scary, as certain political persuasions are getting more like a religious cult every day.

Any fact based, evidence based sense is ignored.

A bit like who shouts loudest is believed as the 'truth'.
Nov 2020
7:35pm, 15 Nov 2020
5,328 posts
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Or should I say followers on twitter!
Nov 2020
8:03pm, 15 Nov 2020
2,034 posts
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Another John Bolton series of interviews today that I am agreeing with. Good to see Fauci doing his bit to turn the screw just a little tighter as well. The narrative about transition delay is turning to issues of public health missmanagement. Good stuff
Nov 2020
8:05pm, 15 Nov 2020
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Big week ahead for Boris. Last roll of the dice for Brexit negotiations. I foresee a fudge or an extension. Watch this space!!
Nov 2020
8:27pm, 15 Nov 2020
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Johnny Blaze
The extension is an interesting one. I can't see the Brexit headcases voting for it, so Johnson might need Labour/SNP support?

The extension one should be really easy though: unprecedented times, economic challenges, raging pandemic, need to protect the economy, more time needed to complete the job (all without, of course, overtly admitting that Jan 1st could be an utter shitshow).

Fuhrage would have a shit fit, as would the ERG and the Gammon Massive.

Most rational people would probably breathe a sigh of relief.
Nov 2020
8:34pm, 15 Nov 2020
42,526 posts
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I thought that ship had sailed.
Nov 2020
8:37pm, 15 Nov 2020
24,090 posts
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Johnny Blaze
Me too!

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