Oct 2015
9:45am, 23 Oct 2015
5,304 posts
Too Much Water
It is possible to eat healthily on a budget, the angry Girl called Jack internet star being a big cheerleader for that sort of thing.
I guess the left aren't a fan of that because it disproves their desire for benefits over work.
Anyway, sugar tax - no. Personal responsibility as to what one eats. In the same way being an alcoholic is a choice.
Oct 2015
9:46am, 23 Oct 2015
5,432 posts
The meal deal is marketing, but it's the best option when you only have £4 in your pocket 😄
Oct 2015
9:56am, 23 Oct 2015
8,064 posts
Jack Monroe's great - totally approve of what she's doing and your point is TMW?
But when you work for say Monsoon for less than the minimum wage (because staff were forced to by their uniform from there), and the best the government can do is "name and shame" and not prosecute for fraud, and then Osborne cuts tax credits as a totally ideological decision (how Osborne could have done his budget without tax credit cuts is here: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/economy/2015/10/don-t-be-fooled-money-there-avoid-cuts-tax-credits), then people will be drawn to benefits surely?
Make work pay bottom line. Can't believe the Tories are attacking the in work poor in this way, will yet come round to hurt them.
Oct 2015
9:58am, 23 Oct 2015
5,306 posts
Too Much Water
My point is she's proving you can eat healthily on a budget, which counters some of the previous posts!
She is a bit shouty and confrontational, but that is normal for people on the left!
Oct 2015
10:02am, 23 Oct 2015
16,759 posts
"The meal deal is marketing, but it's the best option when you only have £4 in your pocket"
The best option when money really is an issue is to buy the individual components for the lunch and make it at home.
My lunch today is a cheese and ham salad roll, two pieces of fruit and a diet Cola. I'd be incredibly surprised if that cost as much as £4.
Oct 2015
10:09am, 23 Oct 2015
5,307 posts
Too Much Water
I also proved on the last page you could buy a sarnie and some fruit without recourse to the meal deal!
Oct 2015
10:25am, 23 Oct 2015
6,788 posts
Chrisull I actually think "naming and shaming" is an incredibly effective way of dealing with such issues (not that I agree with a Minimum wage but let's pretend that I do for a moment).
Monsoon were clearly taking the piss, making a mockery out of a law. Two ways of correcting this would be naming and shaming or prosecution.
Naming and shaming would/has hurt monsoon. Their brand is damaged, people might be less inclined to work for them and buy from them. Hitting them where it hurts, their revenues and profits. We can all name and shame, individuals, media, governments etc. Usually the result is a backing down by the company to fix their error (by paying back the staff, or not using cheap labour, or fixing privacy rules etc).
Prosecution/fines might have the same effect overall but with the added cost of paying lawyers to argue with other lawyers about specific wordings of bits of legislation. This is money that is diverted away from where it might be useful (like in peoples wages, company investment etc) and into an unproductive class of people trained in verbal gymnastics.
Oct 2015
10:25am, 23 Oct 2015
5,433 posts
I didn't say you couldn't eat healthily on a budget, if something happens (i.e we ran out of normal lunch at home) then it becomes an issue - not everyone can always be super organised and that's what eating healthily on a low budget takes.
Re the meal thing, the sainsburies doesn't sell loose fruit, the apples are in bags, the Hamas as well and I couldn't afford a whole bag. The sad ids are nearly 3 quid themselves so that's when deals become attractive, you can get a lot for your £3 and have £1 left over - when you have to save every penny you have to get the most value and not necessarily the healthiest thing
All the drink at work is via a vending machine and costs money - they say you shouldn't drink the tap water in the building.
Oct 2015
10:28am, 23 Oct 2015
3,648 posts
Doctor K
Alcohol might be a choice thing too but there's a hell of a tax on it.
Oct 2015
10:31am, 23 Oct 2015
3,649 posts
Doctor K
Alcohol might be a choice thing too but there's a hell of a tax on it.