Sep 2019
1:28pm, 6 Sep 2019
422 posts
If not volunteering I usually pick up my phone post-run and start scanning - no issues with that personally although ironically whilst the app does struggle with some wristbands and faded barcodes, it works really well scanning a barcode from a phone.
Sep 2019
1:39pm, 6 Sep 2019
17,939 posts
I've just had a play with the app: theoretically Bluetooth transfer is supported, but when I tried it with a results file it came up "file not supported".
Sep 2019
1:43pm, 6 Sep 2019
8,554 posts
It does lock too, so doesn't over-ride that general phone setting. That's on Android of course, no ideal how it works on the money making scheme that is Apple infrastructure.
Sep 2019
1:52pm, 6 Sep 2019
32,327 posts
I'd be astonished if there isn't at least one network covering almost every part of UK by now (and bear in mind that I'm in Scotland and often in the hills and wilds thereof!), so as larks says, for the few seconds of data coverage that uploading the file would require, you would get enough of a signal for that. If not at the finish or the café, then within a mile or two's walk (e.g. on your way home or between finish and café or even a "custom" walk just to get a signal!)
Phone apps, it's the futurez, innit?! G
Sep 2019
2:18pm, 6 Sep 2019
423 posts
HG - near impossible to get a signal at Lullingstone- very useful when people need to pay car parking by phone when the RD process results they create a hotspot bounced off several phones one of which has to be attached to a Heath Robinson type contraption and pointing at a specific angle.
Sep 2019
2:25pm, 6 Sep 2019
32,329 posts
Kev, it's 20 miles from central London, apparently the hub of the universe, and just outside the M25. How can you not get a mobile signal?! Does the parkrun take part in mine? Minerun, in fact? Or is the coffee and cake in a (Farraday) Cage not a Cafe? Surely a walk to the other side of a park would get a signal? Anyhoodle!
Final point is, must be possible to use a cable to the lappy in extremis. Isn't that how the scanners work anyway? G
Sep 2019
2:35pm, 6 Sep 2019
4,844 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
There’s a bloody great hill there, I guess the phone mast is on the other side of it.
Sep 2019
2:50pm, 6 Sep 2019
4,845 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Does anyone know the answer to my question on the previous page plzthx?
Sep 2019
2:56pm, 6 Sep 2019
32,333 posts
Fragile - think Larks answered up there?! ^^^ G
1:43pm, 6 Sep 2019 8554 posts It does lock too, so doesn't over-ride that general phone setting. That's on Android of course, no ideal how it works on the money making scheme that is Apple infrastructure.
Sep 2019
3:00pm, 6 Sep 2019
3,558 posts
Fragile, when I used the Iphone App to scan barcodes, my phone didn't lock after a period of it not being used. The only issue was battery usage, even in Flight mode the battery went from 100% to 40%. This was on a nearly new phone.