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Over 60's training

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Aug 2024
5:12pm, 18 Aug 2024
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Torque Steer
busy thread - I shouldn't have had a "rest day" of which more later

Solo & Hilly]
sorry to hear it didn't happen for you today for various reasons.

always worth a check up sooner rather than later !

Your talk with 0061 reminded me of inter school school x-country races there many, many years ago - and I didn't like them then!

I am not quite that graceful :-) In fact I said "didn't quite get my legs of the ground" and that should be taken quite literally - I can get one leg off and that's it!

sounds busy - I am in a similar vein just now.
Your winter weather is close to our summer stuff apart from the last couple of weeks or so - whilst Hilly has been away!

ice bath??!! Proper hardcore - and after speedy outing as well
Great wordling!

Dorset hills!! -went to my nieces' wedding some years ago and ran from the village pub in Child Okeford where we were staying up and over the Hambledon Hill fort - wouldn't have liked to do that carrying a shield and spear :-(

I had quite a bit to do with the genesis of Poundbury - long story involving intrigue, royalty & betrayal!

good that the reaction didn't stop your session in the gym.


good progress!!

I hadn't seen Canute's session and, after my rest day, which involved about 5 hours of bush & shrub cutting and removing masses of perennial growth, I decided that lamp posts could no longer be trusted and went onto 60 sec walk/60 sec careful slow run, around 12m/m pace for 20 min covering a whole 1.4 miles.

even that wasn't quite what it seemed as I missed the timer at one stage and ended up with a 2 min run - thought I felt knackered :-)
Aug 2024
7:01pm, 18 Aug 2024
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Thanks all for your comments. @Torque Steer our sessions were similar, but I didn't do 5 hours of bush and shrub cutting. I am planning to alternate walk/jog sessions with fell walking. Today I did a fell walk in delightful sunshine with views extending from South Lakeland to the Yorkshire Three Peaks and the Forest of Boland in Lancashire.

I am also continuing the upper body strength sessions that I had been doing while unable to jog. I occasionally do the overhead press with a barbell. Today, I have achieved a lifetime personal best for OHP simply because I forgot how weak my upper body is and overloaded the bar by mistake. Nonethelss it is quite a pleasing sensation to hoist a bar overhead. (I should add that I am usually faily careful with technique with the barbell.)
Aug 2024
2:37am, 19 Aug 2024
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Solo & Hilly: Sorry to hear it didn't go well but it was the right decision to pull out. Hope you are feeling better now solo.

WP: Yep, very annoying when forget to start or stop watch on time :(. Done that a few times, though fortunately not in the last few years.

FP: A full on day indeed. Hope the chest settles soon.

TS: Your gardening exploits on the weekend far exceeded mine. I only spent a bit over an hour trying to clear a tangled mess of roots of one of the trees we had removed. Wanting to plant a couple of camellias there but it is an impenetrable mass of roots in the top few inches of ground. Didn't get far as had to go out for lunch & afterwards the rain had set in, so it remains a task for next weekend (hopefully). Good to see progress on running front.

Canute: good to see you making progress too. Have to confess I have never been a gym person, nor done any weight lifting. Hopefully offset by a lot of work needing to be done around our property. Some of that quite heavy going but does suffer from lack of consistency ...! Interesting re your knee problem ('interesting' probably not your choice of word of course!). Though I appreciate it is something different, in some ways it seems a bit like an episode of reactive arthritis I had in one ankle 14 years ago. Took 13 months to finally resolve. At its peak early on, I couldn't weight bear on that foot and was on crutches for about 6 weeks (indeed spent over a week in hospital, though that was due to initial misdiagnosis as a joint infection so was put on intravenous antibiotics until that could be ruled out. Should only have been a day or two there but timing was unfortunate as a national radiographers strike started about a day later and I ended up being on the intravenous antibiotics for about a week before I got an MRI scan that ruled infection out). When finally diagnosed the rheumatologist wanted me on medication but I resisted that as there were significant potential side effects and it likely meant being on it for the rest of my life. At least with reactive arthritis it mostly can resolve by itself and it did. Even better it has not recurred as can sometimes happen. Doesn't now have any impact on my running.

The mild weather didn't last long! Early morning rain, windier and a lot cooler as the wind swung to the W (11C at 7:25 run start). Will get even colder in the next day or so as the wind continues to swing south. Fairly miserable with the final touches of (cold!) rain when I set out but it cleared within a minute or two. Expected tired legs after yesterday so only aimed for a slow steady circuit of the estuary. Legs turned out OK though and seemed reluctant(!) to keep pace down so ended up 8.3k at 6:05/km & HR 122/134 (probably incentivised by the chill wind)! Even better, PL up a further notch to 51. @Solo the PL ("Performance Level") is a Suunto thing. I have an old Ambit3 watch that does not give VO2max. The PL value supposedly equals VO2max x 'Running efficiency' but I have yet to find any way of determining how they get 'Running efficiency' or what value they assign. Mine must surely be less than 50%, hence my VO2max 100+ ??? 🤣! If only! From a few comments on the web, the general consensus seems to be that PL roughly equates to VO2max. Will be interesting to see how that stacks up when I do splash out and get a new watch.
Aug 2024
4:31am, 19 Aug 2024
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Well here you all are, along with I few I don't know.

Sorry to hear about the dnf Hilly - what distance. Think the last I heard of you, you were wearing a British vest!

See NZD is keeping you up to date with the NZ weather - it has been awful today - so changeable.

Torque Steer - don't talk about gardening - my husband has become a garden enthusiast - costing us plenty of money so far and lots of hard work.

Canute - are you of Scandinavian heritage?

Welsh Poppy - I keep up with you on Strava.

alehouse - thanks for the headsup!

I'm still keeping on keeping on - still mainly walking the dog with my family, throw in the odd park run, but am building my long run up on Sundays as I am going to Chicago marathon in October - ran nearly 26 km yesterday - very hard but happy to have done it.

Saturday was interesting because there was this relay race where you put in a team of 4 and you ran 1.5 km laps except for the first one that was 1.9 km - included a lap of the track and you ran as many laps as your team could in an hour. Our team was over 50 women but two of us were over 70 and one over 80 and only one just over 50 so it was fun but we were last but the only over 50W team in it so we were 1st in our grade!
Aug 2024
7:37am, 19 Aug 2024
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TS - we've run on Hambledon Hill. In fact we did a race that went on it. 🙂 Sounds a poor experience with Poundbury involvement...

I think you'll have to count in your head for intervals next time...😅 Well done though.

Canute - barbell lifts are hard going. I see folk doing them with weight on but it's enough to lift the bar without for me. Not that I do too often. 🤣 I have one at home but still fail to get regular use. Hubby pretty good at doing his weight sessions.

NZD - slow and steady sounds good to me.

Hi NZC - I got you mixednup with someone else. Now I know who you are. 🙂 It was only a 5k. Not a traget race for me and we're on holiday so it didn't really mean anything apart from getting a race in when away. Yes, you're right I've had several England Masters vest opportunities the last couple of years. I'll be wearing that again at the end of this month in a 5k and again at the Chestrr marathon in October.

Good luck with Chicago training!

Wordle in 3.
Aug 2024
8:23am, 19 Aug 2024
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Great to see you @NZChris ! Hope the training goes well for Chicago, and the knees survive!

11 degrees and cloudy this morning with rain forecast; typical summer weather in the north west of England.

Hamstring is particularly tender this morning so likely to be a blank day, fitness-wise, which suits as it is grandson duties today. A fine balance between working the hamstring hard and pushing too hard!

Wordle in three.
Aug 2024
11:03am, 19 Aug 2024
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Torque Steer
sounds a delightful fell walk and views - where were you?
Weight conditioning can be very important as one ages. I did quite a bit during my younger days as a part of training for other sports but now have a bit of antipathy to it so do body weight workouts.

Which reminds me that this last layoff has led to even more weight gain so I have to lift more!
@MickC MickC used to refer to me as the heaviest distance runner he knew and I am past that previous peak :-(

In fact I think there should be a weight handicap in running, or weight categories like in boxing, judo etc, on top of age grading!!

reactive arthritis - not heard of that before so something to add to the memory banks!
Good news on avoiding medication with possible long term effects - and it not re-occurring.
Decent pace there with very good HR overall.

Can't help you with the Suunto thing - sounds like they have made it even more complicated so that it becomes something unique to them?
Go Garmin :-)

I was just telling folk here that you say you are doing not much and then pop in a race or a marathon or two and you come along and confirm it all :-)
Sounded an interesting race and your team age profile would have taken some beating.

Gardening is the curse of runners!

good that you have recovered from the race. Never had it in a race but have occasionally had a run when I just couldn't go another step despite not feeling fatigued beforehand.

Poundbury was an "experience" - but it's a long tale

take care there - g'kids can be very tiring!

Heard the beeps this morning and managed 1.65 miles in 22 min of 1min walk/run. Run feels easier at closer to my usual gait but always pleased for the walk bits. HR surprisingly steady at 118/130 for most of the way.
Knee almost behaving....

Wordle in three
Aug 2024
1:25pm, 19 Aug 2024
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forest plodder
Would be very interested to hear more about Poundbury. I did know of the royal connection.

Husband (retired structural engineer) wasn't particularly impressed with materials used. Wooden window frames rotting in places for instance.
Aug 2024
1:45pm, 19 Aug 2024
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@Solo, I hope the stomach upset has settled.

@Torque Steer, I live in Lindale. The local fells accessible in a run from my front door are Hampsfell and Newton Fell South, both of which provide views northwards to the Central fells, and also southwards over Morecambe Bay, south eastwards to the Forest of Boland and eastwards to the Yorkshire peaks at the head of Ribblesdale.

@NZD it is good to hear that your reactive arthritis eventually settled entirely. I have had episodes of arthritis in various joints over the past 40 years, most of which have eventually settled without lingering disability. My current episode if the worst ever but I am hopeful it will settle.

@NZChris, despite my assumed name, I am of Scottish heritage with an appreciable dash of Irish. At present I have no reason to hope that I can hold back the ravages of age any more successfully than my namesake held back the tide.

@Hilly, yes, getting even an unloaded 20 Kg bar from the floor to above your head requires worthwhile effort. I have actually made a pair of wooden plates each weighing only 675 gm to allow me to practice the Olympic lifts with a virtually unweighted bar.

In the second session of my modified C25K programme, this morning I did 16x60 sec jogging alternating with 90 sec walking within an overall 4.6 km walk, with no complaint from my knee. My HR got up to 120 at a pace where it would normally be less than 100.
Aug 2024
1:46pm, 19 Aug 2024
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forest plodder
Nice to see you @NZChris and know you're still active and running.

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a refugee from Runner's World where the Forum is closing down and hoping to bring others across
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