Jun 2020
10:31pm, 1 Jun 2020
5,805 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
On the nostalgia front, dry hot weather in May was a feature of my teenage years in Scotland, but not seen much since. A few years featured continued great weather (1983, 84, 87 to a lesser degree). More were like this week where June arrived and winter returned.
Jun 2020
10:37pm, 1 Jun 2020
40,888 posts
Lip Gloss
God the only thing I remember about 84 and 87 was the year I got married and the year my son was born lol. I do remember it rained on my wedding day ( cue a song ) in August
Jun 2020
7:03am, 2 Jun 2020
16,918 posts
I can only go by what happens in a typical school year. Over the past few years it has seemed to pretty much be cold and windy in February, March and April, warm and dry in May (not necessarily sunny), wet in June. We moved sports day from June to May in 2013 to avoid it getting rained off after a couple of wet ones and this is the first year since that we’ve had to cancel. We have surprisingly few wet days at school in this part of the country.
We do residential visits late June/ early July and tend to have a day of heavy rain and one of sun. Of course August is usually (apart from the past 2 summers) grey and cold because we are on holiday.
Jun 2020
11:49am, 2 Jun 2020
11,703 posts
Yep, last year too we had summer across the traditional Spring months - we bought a caravan in time for Easter, had a few glorious weekends, and then got sucker punched by the British Summer in June.... The one amazingly good weather Saturday fell on our daughter's wedding day on June 22nd! Either side was less settled, windy and afterwards, downright cold at times!
Nostalgia tells me when I was a child (on the Isle of Wight, so maybe correctly!) every June birthday party was on the beach or outside, and every school summer holiday was long and hot and dry.
Less so as an adult when I moved to the mainland.
Jun 2020
12:06pm, 2 Jun 2020
16,346 posts
Mum always said that if Wimbledon was wet it would be a good summer - and vice versa. Not sure that's quite right though.
My recent memory is that as soon as we opened the school pool after half term, the weather went downhill so the last couple of years we opened it before half term - and May was not as nice!
I promised myself and the family that we would have a holiday beginning/mid-July as just before breaking up for the summer is usually the best weather. We have a cottage booked, but no idea if we'll be able to go or not yet
Jun 2020
1:07pm, 2 Jun 2020
1,829 posts
57.5 - 1985 being driven up the M6 in roasting hear coming back from a French holiday. listening to live aid on the car radio and willing my mum and dad to drive more quickly so I could get it on the tele.
Jun 2020
2:30pm, 2 Jun 2020
11,713 posts
And of course..... 84 - Got married ( ), Miners' Strike went on for months ( ).
85 - Birth of eldest, who now has children of his own...... 86 - Made redundant, lost a couple of stone, started the transition to Yorkshire! 87 - Moved to York, new job, discovered how badly maintained the fixer-upper house and garden really were!
I have no memory of the weather in any of those summers!!
Jun 2020
2:30pm, 2 Jun 2020
5,812 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
My memory of 1985 is fine weather in England and rubbish weather in Scotland. 1986 was bad weather in both!
Jun 2020
2:52pm, 2 Jun 2020
9 posts
I was heavily into Skydiving in the mid/late 80s and remember logging more jumps in January than in August for several of those years due to summers dominated by cloud and rain. And that despite the shorter winter days and well below zero temperatures in a plane with no door!
Jun 2020
2:54pm, 2 Jun 2020
8,107 posts
As the youngest in the group I'd just like to say in 1984 I was in the 4th year at Senior School in Hemel Hempstead. I hadn't even had a girlfriend by then...