Over 50's club

3 lurkers | 324 watchers
Jun 2020
2:54pm, 2 Jun 2020
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Cool 9th post bja! We need more info on the Skydiving please!

I'm always amazed when I read back on my training logs how few "horrid rainy day" type descriptions there are. I think it rains less (even here in Scotland) than people give it credit for. Britain is a great climate for running. Almost never a day you can't do it. :-) G
Jun 2020
2:59pm, 2 Jun 2020
12,636 posts
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Rain is more of a west/east than north/south thing in Great Britain. Try living in Argyll, the Lake District or Snowdonia and then tell us it doesn't rain much :-)
Jun 2020
3:01pm, 2 Jun 2020
1,163 posts
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xt350 🇳🇿
6 months 20 days until I can join this thread 😉
Jun 2020
3:04pm, 2 Jun 2020
10 posts
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Thanks HappyG! I agree about the weather in the UK for running, and yes even here in Scotland we really lose very few days due to heavy weather, more disinclination when it is a bit miserable!

I got into the parachuting game after one of mates was always going on about it and I booked three of us onto a course just to call his bluff. Obviously that failed, and it took over my life for the next 6 years or so....
Jun 2020
3:04pm, 2 Jun 2020
11,715 posts
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We used to live in "wet Cheshire" as opposed to York. Driving over the M62 on return visits it's striking how much more green the countryside is as you go down from Saddleworth (westwards) towards the Cheshire Plain, and how much more arid it looks as you come down towards Halifax (eastwards), in summer at least.

In winter, it's just bleak from Halifax to Manchester, in both directions.

York has it's own microclimate anyway. The weather is often different in a line roughtly up and down the A1, and as you go across to the Wolds in the opposite direction.
Jun 2020
3:04pm, 2 Jun 2020
5,815 posts
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
I would agree with both HappyG and Cerrertonia. Weather here is rarely a problem for running (I've lived in places where it has been either too cold or too hot a fair amount of the time), though I'm a wimp on a bike in rain and wind which can be in generous supply. But the rain is much more a western phenomenon.
Jun 2020
3:08pm, 2 Jun 2020
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
xt350, you must be very close to 5 years younger than me. I wonder if we'll get the chance to log any more race or parkrun times in our current age categories!
Jun 2020
3:11pm, 2 Jun 2020
49,357 posts
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85: took my A levels, spent the summer drinking and partying with my friends, started Uni in October, carried on drinking, increased intake of curry, turned vegetarian.
Jun 2020
3:21pm, 2 Jun 2020
5,818 posts
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
84 was my first great partying summer. Great weather, a successful and very sociable cricket team, the LA Olympics to watch at all hours of the night. Also the last summer I got an endless student's holiday too, we had an extra summer term in 85 and 86 to hone our tooth drilling skills.
Jun 2020
3:26pm, 2 Jun 2020
45,575 posts
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83: left Uni, moved back in with parents.
84: got a job in Leeds, eventually, but commuting from Selby each day
85: got a flat in Leeds. Stayed in and around Leeds the rest of the 80s till I moved dahn sarf in 91

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