Over 50's club

6 lurkers | 324 watchers
May 2020
1:45pm, 18 May 2020
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No 1973 photos here.
May 2020
2:02pm, 18 May 2020
16,448 posts
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Tomorrow marks the 34th anniversary of me starting with my current employer :-O
May 2020
2:28pm, 18 May 2020
36,277 posts
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That takes some doing these days Bazo. Well done or commiserations? Take whichever works for you.;-)

I was 3 in 73. Any photos that might exist are under a sideboard at mums' house. I might have to search them out when I'm eventually allowed back there.
May 2020
2:37pm, 18 May 2020
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Lip Gloss
My ex husband must be 38 years with his employer this year....
May 2020
2:40pm, 18 May 2020
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Eynsham Red
I’ve worked at Oxford Airport since 1975. Had my original employer not closed down in 2008 I’d probably still be with them. As it turned out I was able to get a job next door with Airbus, so no change to my journey.
May 2020
2:57pm, 18 May 2020
34,827 posts
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I had fewer months with your employer than you had years Bazo (21 months?) However, I may be back to top it up some time (promise? threat?!) :-) G
May 2020
3:27pm, 18 May 2020
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It’s even weirder when you have a meeting with someone who wasn’t born when you started working at the employer :-0

It is strange though as it’s the same employer in theory but it’s nothing like the life assurance and endowments business I joined.

I only took this job as it was the first offer I got and though it would do until I worked out what I wanted to do.
May 2020
4:03pm, 18 May 2020
36,278 posts
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I'm in general, not Life, Bazo. I did exactly the same when I finished my A Levels. Get a job while I work out the future.

I've had 2 years, 19 years, 9 years and 4 months into the latest employer, though, so you're definitely beating my record.

I've worked for this latest lot for longer at my dining table than in their office now.
May 2020
4:11pm, 18 May 2020
11,490 posts
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Gosh Bazo. Makes me feel like a newb after only 25 with mine! I'm not going to make 35 years, for sure. (Well, I sure hope not!)

I converted my 25 year bonus into a greenhouse. Do you get anything to look forward to if you stay there another year?
May 2020
4:12pm, 18 May 2020
16,040 posts
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I'm guessing this was 1973 +/- a year

me on the left with the stripey sleeves, carving mangolds with my bestest mate Lynda.

Gordon Bennet lived across the road.

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