Aug 2021
10:17am, 10 Aug 2021
14,836 posts
JK *chameleon*
Didn't UNESCO say you've got none? That'll be a short run, then
Aug 2021
11:26am, 10 Aug 2021
30,703 posts
Lol JK. 😉
Aug 2021
11:28am, 10 Aug 2021
14,010 posts
I had someone bring that (Unesco) up in conversation the other day. Rude I thought.
Aug 2021
11:29am, 10 Aug 2021
30,706 posts
Very rude of UNESCO Mulbs
Aug 2021
11:42am, 10 Aug 2021
14,011 posts
Rude of both UNESCO and my sister-in-law, who has never visited the vibrant city of Liverpool but chose to make a disparraging comment about it. Why do people do that? And Hi Sushi, all well with you?
Aug 2021
12:30pm, 10 Aug 2021
6,823 posts
Why do people do that?
Mulbs - cos they live in 1983 and still read Southern based media. Leave em to it, not worth bothering with. I'll just continue to live in one of the safest cities in the country
As for Unesco - made the decision without visiting the city. And they wanted almost 4 miles of unused docklands to be left to rot rather then redeveloped cos it might change the view of the Liver Buildings from a Cruiseliner as it entered the Mersey estuary
They're going after Stonehenge now - which I think says all you need to know about the credibility of Unesco.
Aug 2021
12:45pm, 10 Aug 2021
15,207 posts
To be fair, the Liverpool waterfront didn't really deserve a world heritage award if there was an underlying assumption that the docks in particular needed either to be converted to modern freight needs or abandoned to become something "different" such as housing or office space. The 3 graces aren't much to look at, compared to other similar period buildings in city centres throughout the UK.
Probably an award that would have been better not being in place so it couldn't be removed; and in the longer term I doubt the absence of the award will affect Liverpool anyway.
If Liverpool is to (re)capture it's vibrancy and maintain due respect for it's historical significance UNESCO status will have little to do with it.
Aug 2021
1:01pm, 10 Aug 2021
14,840 posts
JK *chameleon*
I live in Manchester, so reserve my right to take the piss out of Liverpool - it's only fair, they do the same in return.
I'll never admit it, but L'pool is the better city in my secret opinion...
In other news, has anyone else seen the people trying to get Preston nominated for Capital of Culture? Last time I was in Preston, they'd decided to close some roads for 2 years so that the university could do some building. Hardly a cultural Mecca...
Aug 2021
1:06pm, 10 Aug 2021
6,824 posts
That's fair enough JK
Aug 2021
1:11pm, 10 Aug 2021
6,825 posts
Funny thing about Preston being Capital of Culture is that's pretty much what people said about Liverpool in 2008.
Good luck to em I say