May 2020
7:47am, 11 May 2020
17,660 posts
2nd coffee incoming
May 2020
7:51am, 11 May 2020
45,162 posts
Kitchen table. Today's ambient noise for work purposes is Forest Sounds
Woodland Ambience, Bird Song, Nearby Village
May 2020
7:53am, 11 May 2020
45,197 posts
"Oi! The countrysoide is closed! Get back to London you townies!"
May 2020
7:54am, 11 May 2020
30,995 posts
Dog walk, yoga, breakfast. BBC Breakfast. Ooft!
May 2020
7:56am, 11 May 2020
45,164 posts
They make take away my life, but they'll never take away my freedom to listen to hours of sheep bleating on YouTube
May 2020
8:13am, 11 May 2020
11,146 posts
Tea, dining room table desk.
May 2020
8:30am, 11 May 2020
49,925 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Second elattez incoming
My phone now autosuggests elattez incoming when I type second The bathroom smells terrible, I thought the drain was clearer but maybe not. Must investigate but not before breakfast
May 2020
8:31am, 11 May 2020
48,430 posts
Work work desk. Very hungry, so I might go to the shop to buy a sandwich or something so that I don't eat my lunch sandwiches now.
May 2020
8:57am, 11 May 2020
26,599 posts
Wriggling Snake
With my new found alertness courtesy of Boris, and my new allowance for outside accessibility, I went to Sainos and found they had Vanilla Essence in, thanks Boris.
May 2020
9:13am, 11 May 2020
46,469 posts
Second coffee and breakfast. Looking for a suitable dish to put water out for the sparrows.