May 2020
6:23pm, 8 May 2020
46,440 posts
I need to do some jogging, otherwise I'll hardly have moved all day.
May 2020
6:24pm, 8 May 2020
63,402 posts
Torpor features regularly in my diary of (in)activity.
May 2020
6:27pm, 8 May 2020
13,771 posts
I have runned.
May 2020
6:28pm, 8 May 2020
11,660 posts
I first met Bint on the NDW as it follows the top edge of Denbies. I headed down the hill rapidly and left her in my wake. She then overtook me going up Box Hill like a mountain goat and finished nearly two hours ahead of me.
May 2020
6:30pm, 8 May 2020
13,772 posts
Bint is a machiiiiiiiine.
May 2020
6:34pm, 8 May 2020
41,373 posts
Derby Tup
May 2020
6:35pm, 8 May 2020
9,344 posts
And she eats hills for breakfast 🏔
Afternoon teas prepared, delivered and were well received. BBQ done and dusted. Now having a cocktail. OH makes a mean caipirovska.
May 2020
6:39pm, 8 May 2020
15,939 posts
Been in the garden nearly all day - building a deck to sit over and extend the too small and broken-slabbed patio. Knackered
Then I came in and made two varieties of scones. Missed the neighbours all sitting in the street socially distanced partying. I shall be "in trouble" with the street-mum.
May 2020
7:13pm, 8 May 2020
48,354 posts
Pizza, garden, good book, Malbec, and Kraftwerk
May 2020
7:36pm, 8 May 2020
30,100 posts
Sitting in the garden on one of my new comfy armchairs drinking a very acceptable Cava from the local Co-op, listening to the birds singing their 'settling down' songs.
If this is mundanity, I'm all for it.