May 2020
11:43am, 6 May 2020
44,810 posts
Walked Nuts for squirrels Chat with dad
Feel better
May 2020
11:56am, 6 May 2020
2,322 posts
Every other Thursday is green bin day here ... so today is lawn mowing, hedge trimming etc. Green bin now full - and unusually fairly aromatic - lots of bay tree/bush shoots (think inch thick and 6ft long before clipping) chopped and on top of the lawn cuttings. Bin now out ready.
May 2020
12:05pm, 6 May 2020
49,889 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
There is no emergency which could possibly excuse UHT milk I’m planning to mow the lawn today. Not very enthusiastic about the prospect though it’s very quick really
May 2020
12:08pm, 6 May 2020
406 posts
Raw milk in my coffee for me. Mmmm.
May 2020
12:10pm, 6 May 2020
48,267 posts
Thinking about lunch. I should be going running but I can't be bothered.
May 2020
12:10pm, 6 May 2020
44,071 posts
Happy birthday Bint!
Second coffee incoming, in a coffee mug. My coffee mugs are smaller than my tea mugs, today's one has a sweet pea on it and I remember buying it in Ashbourne.
May 2020
12:16pm, 6 May 2020
13,750 posts
I need to persuade Tilly to sit still while I apply her eyedrops. She disappears as soon as I reach for the tube.
May 2020
12:21pm, 6 May 2020
11,116 posts
Going to walk to the village shop for some bread.
May 2020
12:24pm, 6 May 2020
46,387 posts
Jogged. Vanilla ice cream cone and Diet Coke. Glad I didn't wait in for the skip because it hasn't arrived.
May 2020
12:25pm, 6 May 2020
41,198 posts
Derby Tup
Short paddock walk