Jul 2020
8:40am, 16 Jul 2020
6,753 posts
The Republic of Ireland classes it as exactly that AC - RHS encourages people growing it in the UK to do so "with great care".
I remember seeing a huge patch of it when we were staying in a Dorset village, very striking.
Jul 2020
8:44am, 16 Jul 2020
13,337 posts
Maybe keep it in that pool Hanneke if you don't want it all over the garden!
Jul 2020
9:58pm, 20 Jul 2020
70,612 posts
It doesn't spread that readily. I looked into its legalities and invasiveness when we wanted to fill a horrible drainage channel between my client and a messy farm yard with them. Sadly, the farmer claimed ownership of the ditch and has since dredged it and removed the fridges and tractors etc... But the one I bought is a Gunnera Manicata and it is not invasive. It doesn't self seed and as long as I don't help it along by cutting up the rhizome during the dormant season to make more plants and plant them in the wild somewhere, it should not get any bigger than about 3 x 3 metres and yes, I have the space to accommodate that.
I have created a bog garden with a bit of pond liner I had lying about since a client decided he didn't want the pond after all, after I had opened the liner so Icould not return the liner I bought. The client never paid for it, so I kept it, just in case it would come out handy
Jul 2020
11:54pm, 26 Jul 2020
10,914 posts
My plot seems to be growing an abundant crop of bindweed....
Jul 2020
6:46am, 27 Jul 2020
12,237 posts
My courgettes are glutting!
French beans are pretty much a dead loss. Cauliflowers bolting. PSB needs eating!!
Jul 2020
7:12am, 27 Jul 2020
17,162 posts
runner bean glut! cut two more big cauliflowers, they were about to bolt. hopefully they'll keep in the fridge OK first cherry tomatoes (outdoor) ripe and delicious.
Worried about leaving eldest in charge of the watering for a week
Jul 2020
7:39am, 27 Jul 2020
27,775 posts
Wriggling Snake
Carrots started to go to seed...a bit odd as it is wet, peas coming on...started to eat the cabbages already, they seem ahead compared to normal, wet weather again. Squashes looking good. Potatoes have lots of leaf..could be good?
Jul 2020
10:33am, 27 Jul 2020
12,240 posts
Oh, and I bought winter kale seed this weekend. I think I'll probably pull up the beans and use the space.
Should also have said.... lettuces are looking good (and apparently taste so - MrsMMM is the main lettuce eater in the house!)
Harvesting a handful of raspberries or so every day. About right.
Can you make courgette jam? Asking for a friend....
Jul 2020
10:42am, 27 Jul 2020
13,458 posts
I've picked one courgette (a few days ago) and there are others slowly growing. I've only got one plant so don't need to worry about a glut.
Jul 2020
12:07pm, 27 Jul 2020
10,917 posts
My courgettes have died.
And there's a lot of bindweed.
Any tips for erradicating it?