Jul 2020
10:12pm, 27 Jul 2020
19,027 posts
Angus Clydesdale
I can send you replacement rasps and strawbs (bindweed free guaranteed).
Jul 2020
10:20pm, 27 Jul 2020
20,062 posts
Borlotti beans (never heard of them before this year, but was given some seeds) have now reached the "bean" stage. They're like little French beans, green and mottled with red, very pretty. Taste good too. Unfortunately the red mottles disappear when cooked.
Jul 2020
10:20pm, 27 Jul 2020
10,934 posts
The strawberries are coming out in September anyway (and going to go in my greenhouse over the winter)
But I am loathed to lose the raspberries.
I'm going to and pull out all the weeds and leave a few strands of bindweed to spray.
But this is the strategy ive been following for a few years.
The issue is that it's on the next door plot and they haven't attempted much effort to control it.
It is definitely worse this year - it was ok a few weeks ago but then wet weather and my inability to get to the plot and it's just gone mental
Jul 2020
10:34pm, 27 Jul 2020
19,029 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Is it an allotment? At risk of causing strife you could complain to the committee about your neighbours not controlling weeds that are invading your patch. The committee ought to be on top of this anyway.
I’m sure there’s a waiting list of people that do want to look after a plot properly.
Jul 2020
10:35pm, 27 Jul 2020
19,030 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Meanwhile, I’d ensure that I chose an evening with the wind in the correct direction when I sprayed my weed killer, just make sure any “drift” went the right way.
Jul 2020
7:59am, 28 Jul 2020
13,483 posts
A number of years ago, I remember detangling bindweed from our holly hedge, having 'visited' us from our neighbour's garden. There was a LOT of it, but I just grabbed onto strands and pulled them out, and removed any small underground shoots. It looked like a lot of leafy string on the ground after I'd tugged a lot of it out.
Jul 2020
11:22am, 28 Jul 2020
11,779 posts
The asparagus that a kind fetchie donated at the beginning of the year are having a second wave of shoots. Cant wait till the year after next when I can start harvesting but its good to know they are thriving so far. !!!
Jul 2020
11:25am, 28 Jul 2020
17,187 posts
Jul 2020
11:39am, 28 Jul 2020
10,948 posts
Angus - yes, it is an allotments. And I have mentioned it to the committee on a few occasions.
They do have a light touch though - which I like (I think at some of the other associations round here, I'd have been booted off myself already). I don't have a huge amount of time to dedicate to keeping my plot under control (certainly not compared to some of the others) and so they are helpful in that respect.
I think I'm going to have to try and dig out the roots in between the canes.
Jul 2020
11:41am, 28 Jul 2020
19,036 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Fair enough.