May 2020
7:54am, 28 May 2020
12,843 posts
How late can one try planting beans? I bought some last week when I went to the garden centre...or have I missed the boat?
May 2020
8:46am, 28 May 2020
11,640 posts
I replanted last weekend! Trying to encourage them to get going a bit quicker by starting off in the greenhouse in the warm and moist compost.
3rd time lucky?
The first set I sowed and put out are doing okay. And are just beginning to flower! Although I don't think I registered the "dwarf" bit in the name. They look stunted because they're on 6 ft canes.
May 2020
8:52am, 28 May 2020
12,845 posts
Thanks MMM...I have a very nice light window by my desk here that makes for a good greenhouse effect.
May 2020
9:05am, 28 May 2020
26,909 posts
Wriggling Snake
Non-stop watering....
May 2020
9:08am, 28 May 2020
16,244 posts
The watering is becoming very boring now
May 2020
10:16am, 28 May 2020
12,847 posts
Tell me about's an effort to drag myself out in the evening to keep them alive!! I wondered why one of my tomatoes was doing rather poorly...a bunch of grubs had been snacking on its roots in the pot. I've never seen grubs up close...fortunately I was wearing gloves, so sifted through the pot and tossed them all out into our holly hedge. Now to plant another happier tomato in that pot tonight.
May 2020
10:29am, 28 May 2020
19,804 posts
I didn't know hostas were edible. I've never tried to grow them because slugs of every kind are a feature in this part of the world.
I've sown runner beans as late as early June, and had them grow and produce beans, - not as early as the more mature ones, but with the frost-free Septembers and Octobers we've been having, they carry on merrily into the autumn.
May 2020
10:30am, 28 May 2020
12,848 posts
Thanks Columba - that's useful to know!
May 2020
9:38pm, 28 May 2020
70,577 posts
I grew runner beans later than now too, last year. Found a packet of yellow ones in a shop. I have just put 10 in last week, only 2 have germinated I am going to plant some more... I promised a client runner bean plants too but not doing very well on them. I take some consolation in the fact that it isn't just me! I do have a packet of dwarf runner beans though, very old seed, but worth a try.
May 2020
9:39pm, 28 May 2020
70,578 posts
And yes, the watering is a real drag. Spent three hours last night, into the dark and didn't eat till 10.30. So today I have eaten first... now I need to go out and water, but I don't feel like it... I think I will brave it and skip tonight.