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Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

78 watchers
May 2020
8:46pm, 26 May 2020
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The Japanese are very keen on eating the emerging leaves. I never get round to trying them.
May 2020
9:03pm, 26 May 2020
6,452 posts
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Fox deterrents: any suggestions? They've pulled up half the squash at my allotment, and dug up the bed where I put my spinach. They're also good at destroying structures like brassica cages. Looking at solar-powered ultrasonic deterrents but reviews are mixed.

(And in a crossover with the senior moments thread, I'm sure I posted this earlier but clearly not - must have forgotten to press Submit...)
May 2020
9:50pm, 26 May 2020
16,218 posts
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The ultra-sound thing worked on the local cats for a week or so and then, I assume, they just got used to it.

The animal eating my courgette leaves turns out to be my dog - he also has a thing for sunflowers *rolls eyes*
May 2020
9:56pm, 26 May 2020
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I have cat scarers and they work for me. My scarers have motion sensors so that the cats don't get used to them (they don't work too well on deaf/hard of hearing cats). Also, mine are mains powered which means they give a more reliable sound than battery or solar powered scarers.

As for foxes, there are some sprays which make foxes think that there is an animal around that is dangerous to them and so they are deterred.
May 2020
8:39pm, 27 May 2020
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Eynsham Red
Talking of a senior moment thread crossover:
We have a miniature blackberry plant which is growing in a container. The flowers have just gone over and my wife just managed to restrain herself from deadheading them!
May 2020
10:04pm, 27 May 2020
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Finally dragged myself to the allotment and dug over/weeded the veg bed. Did about 2/3-3/4 of it and will aim to get the rest done and the weed fabric down by the end of the week, then plants in (which are coming along nicely in my little greenhouse) next week.

Then weed the raspberries....

They need sorting out to. Going to finally buy some proper stakes and thread some new wires to restrain them.
May 2020
10:24pm, 27 May 2020
26,906 posts
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Wriggling Snake
The squashes and cabbages went out earlier....last leek harvested...a tad woody.
May 2020
11:10pm, 27 May 2020
70,574 posts
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My hostas were frozen to bits with that last late frost last week :( But... new leaves are emerging! I keep mine in post to stop the slugs from getting at them. They are indeed edible, which is why they are allowe din the garden. Dahlia tubers are edible too, so I have a few of those around too ;) as are day lilly flowers.

I have been watering like a thing posessed. Water buts and tanks now either empty or nearly empty even though I have been using the hose to water my translocated hedge. It was moved months ago but because of the dry weather and heavy late frosts it is taking a beating. Not helped by my neighbours trying to kill it with herbicide too. But it is hanging in there!

Tomatoes looking mighty fine in their spirals :D and other veg coming along, as long as I keep watering! I seem to be struggling with french and runner beans though this year. The first lots did really well, but that very late frost killed them all off :( I have re-sown but they seem to be eaten by something, in the greenhouse, and I have a poor germination rate too :(
May 2020
5:43am, 28 May 2020
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I have had problems with runner beans as well this year. None of them have germinated, despite 4 attempts. No runner beans for me this year :-( .
May 2020
7:27am, 28 May 2020
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My "proper" runner beans are poor too, the dwarf ones are looking okay, I hope they survive OK.

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Maintained by GregP
A wire about gardening.
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