Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

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May 2020
4:29pm, 24 May 2020
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Another allotment visit to finish my planting. A couple of the squash I planted on Friday seem to have died, and both the cucumbers, but there’s still time to plant direct instead. Looking forward to lifting my garlic.

I may get a small polytunnel next year, it would be lovely to have tomatoes earlier in the season.
May 2020
8:01pm, 24 May 2020
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One of my tomatoes didn't survive yesterday's hail...broken stem = dead as doornail. Fortunately I still have a few indoors that I didn't have room to plant into containers so they're still alive! :)
May 2020
9:06pm, 24 May 2020
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I've bought a couple of cucumber plants since the ones I planted failed to germinate. As did the peppers.

But I've got a dozen butternut squash plants, and more tomato plants of different varieties than I can use! I have adoptive homes for most of them!

The courgettes I thought I'd lost to the last frost have sprouted new leaves! 😁 Which offsets the two I planted in the flower bed that have been eaten by something small and slimey. Grr.

And we've potted out about 50% of the geraniums and petunias into their forever homes this afternoon. It's warm enough, but I'm hoping the wind dies down a bit now and let's them all settle in.
May 2020
9:11pm, 24 May 2020
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The dog has decided that sunflower, runner bean and courgette leaves are tasty - He has been told otherwise, but I don't think he was listening.

Three molehills appeared in the garden overnight.
The lawn is more brown than green
This gardening lark isn't easy is it?
May 2020
10:15pm, 24 May 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
I moved the trail camera to try and get more badger shots but got something else altogether. This pesky critter was. caught on video munching on the apple tree on the right of the shot, grrr.

May 2020
11:10pm, 24 May 2020
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FDNB, that's really unlucky.

You need to have a scraggier garden so it's less attractive to the wildlife! Or get electric fences and a shotgun!
May 2020
11:21pm, 24 May 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
That sort of thing is inevitable where we live. :) I had previously come across a deer in a more secluded part of the garden (the garden is quite big and there’s an area that’s just grass surrounded by trees). I don’t know which of us was more surprised.
May 2020
11:30pm, 24 May 2020
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Yes, they are proper dwarf trees meant to be grown in pots :)

I have been doing a LOT of gardening today, yet it seems I haven't made a dent into what needs doing. I am having a new entrance and parking space created ready for my new building that will be built over the summer. A lot of extra work and distraction is going into this. I also had CCTV cameras installed last week, to keep a nasty neighbour at bay, they have been spraying herbicide through the fence onto my crops, as well as providing security to all out buildings and land. Today I had to cut back the hedge, native, belongs to my neighbour. We have left it to grow for 6 years now I think? As they want to lay it again. It was traditionally laid. I just saw a Farcebook memory from 6 years ago flash past, when I had just put up my back shed and it shows the hedge when it was last cut. Goodness! I have been practically cutting down/pollarding trees. Most of it Hawthorn at the section that needed cutting to make sure the camera can see everything it needs to see!

I now need to go see my neighbour and ask him is I can lift and reduce the crown of a bird cherry and an oak. I don't want to just hack away at overhanging branches. Looks ugly, unbalances the crown and doesn't do the tree any good. It was a lot of work and I haven't managed to clear away all the brash to the bonfure at the back, as I wanted to plant out French beans, only 5 have come up, and courgettes. I also needed to finish cutting the grass and in order to plant the veg I needed to weed out self seeded wasabi rocket and calendula. I had to plant some of the calendula elsewhere, which required, you guessed it, weeding. I found another self seeded plant I wanted to move elsewhere away from the calendual patch and had to, you guseed it, weed there first... I despair! The whole garden is one big weed! But I have transplanted lettuce plantlets from the seed bed to the growing bed and courgettes and french beans are in, the grass is cut!
May 2020
9:57pm, 25 May 2020
19,793 posts
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Well there you are, that's gardening for you!
May 2020
2:12pm, 26 May 2020
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That's a lot of work Hanneke! I think I'm on top of most things now; I need a list to remember everything though.

Lettuces still to be transplanted to a big pot at home for constant harvesting over summer. Some flower plants to be put into the front garden. At the allotment I'll check on spinach seedlings and water everything. There's a bed I'm not using at the moment so I'll cover that with membrane: it's got a fair amount of couch grass which is still coming through, despite having been covered with cardboard and compost. Fingers crossed it'll be clear enough to plant winter brassica seedlings later in the summer.

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Maintained by GregP
A wire about gardening.

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