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Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

1 lurker | 78 watchers
May 2020
2:52pm, 4 May 2020
11,304 posts
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I trust the giant snail is now an ex-snail?

Or did you go the catch and release (somewhere several miles away) route? :-)
May 2020
4:27pm, 4 May 2020
19,661 posts
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I should have taken a picture. It went hedgewards. Couple more marigolds nibbled. Lilac blossom just appeared.
May 2020
4:29pm, 4 May 2020
30,008 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
My neighbour gave me an assortment of seedlings a couple of days ago, I have forgotten what some of them are already and of the ones I remember I don’t know which is which, I have potted them all on today and will watch with interest :-)
May 2020
5:25pm, 4 May 2020
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And my grown-from-seed caulis are looking good now they've got a bit more room to breathe and stretch their roots. I'm not going to need them all though... hopefully I can share around!

Also the 217 bedding plants I bought as miniature plug plants are going well too (110 geraniums survived the posting and potting process, only 107 of the petunias. (Only 108 petunias arrived in the pack, but since you pay the price per 100 I'm still quite happy!) I suspect I may have to share some of those about too, since that's an awful lot of summer bedding to pot on and I don't think I have quite that many large pots, tubs, baskets etc. to use!!
May 2020
5:36pm, 4 May 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Runner beans sown today. 🌱
May 2020
12:20am, 5 May 2020
70,558 posts
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I was weeding my client's potager today and the broad beans are podding up! They are also flowering profusely and I think they'd make excellent ornamental plants. The flowers are beautiful and the scent is amazing!
May 2020
6:43am, 5 May 2020
15,894 posts
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I've got some dwarf broad bean seeds, that I thought were too late for this year and was going to sow in the autumn for next spring - but think I'll grow a couple of big pots of them - they are pretty enough to sit by the patio and I might get baby beans this year - as long as they don't get too much blackfly.
May 2020
10:56am, 5 May 2020
19,662 posts
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I mowed the verges beside the house! And along my back fence. And beside the footpath until I ran out of cable. But fear not, nature fans: out of the grass within say 50 metres of my house, it's only about 5%. (At which point you may be wondering "is his house surrounded by grass?". Apart from the roads and footpaths, pretty much yes.)

I am now renovating a driveway. Two lines of slabs, gravel each side. Which has filled with a fine tilth since I did it six years ago, probably the best soil in the garden. Great crop of weeds. So I am de-weeding and riddling. Might be better if the sun was not beating down on me for this one ;-) (but it is).
May 2020
11:10am, 5 May 2020
15,897 posts
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I need to take the strimmer over the fence - the council cut the grass on The Green and the verges, but leave about a foot next to our fences and at the moment it's growing a grass with seeds and too many thistles :( - I'll leave the bit that's forget-me-knots
May 2020
11:39am, 5 May 2020
26,551 posts
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Wriggling Snake
Onions, Broad Beans good, Cabbages potted on, lettuce will need potting on soon, and finding some space. Carrots, I have 2 rows, not bad really, Peas, I will have two rows, Squash, two, that could be enough, parsnip 1, 1 lonely parsnip. Strawberries, loads, they have done really well, as have the chrries (will need to net soon). Parsley, 4 huge pots of that. Potatoes peaking through, will earth up before that cold weather turns up, just in case. Not bad, shame about the parsnip!

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A wire about gardening.
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