Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

78 watchers
May 2020
8:42am, 7 May 2020
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Nice pic, rosehip. I've had lettuce & rocket for a while, but the radishes are still pretty small.
May 2020
10:46am, 7 May 2020
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My dahlias haven't started to show yet - should they have? I made a note last year at the beginning of June that they were getting nibbled by snails (and that Strulch helped a bit) but I didn't note when they first started poking through.

I might plant more French beans to make up for nibbled ones. I've only sown five runners anyway and they seem fine but it'll be at least a week before they go in the ground (trying root trainers).
May 2020
1:41pm, 7 May 2020
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My dahlias are being nibbled by snails currently. Last year I remember they were blackened by frost in mid-May, so I don't think they're especially early.
May 2020
2:53pm, 7 May 2020
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I'll be annoyed if they've decided they've had it, it leaves a bit of a space to fill - maybe it was just to wet for them or something this winter (I don't lift them).
May 2020
3:01pm, 7 May 2020
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Any top tips on sowing grass seed?
May 2020
7:57pm, 7 May 2020
19,672 posts
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Sow lots and keep it watered. Or preferably, buy turf. My attempts, to oversow to thicken a lawn and combat the moss; and to repair patches, were not a tremendous success. The bits which had patch repair (a lot of coir and a very little seed) went better. I do have some lovely moss though, and that's very eco, it seems.

Actually, compared to some of the lawns I'm seeing, I'm doing not bad. The early season dryness is being brutal on ones which were shaky to begin with. Although municipal grass is abundant. Ask the Cooncil ;-)

Actually, ask D2 - she sowed whole meadows last year or the one before.

Planted dahlias today, sowed sweet peas, and put a couple of sunflowers in the ground. Not in the funereal sense, I hope.
May 2020
8:11pm, 7 May 2020
15,931 posts
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Also sowed some sweet peas today
Having not had much luck with usual runner bean germination, last week I sowed about 20 of a dwarf variety - I think every single one has come up. There might be "Hestia" in the flower borders in the front garden this year, but that's OK; husband likes runners :)
May 2020
9:50pm, 7 May 2020
19,712 posts
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I like sweet peas, especially for the scent. But last year's ones got so covered in greenfly that I haven't bothered with any this year.
May 2020
9:51pm, 7 May 2020
3,762 posts
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Fizz :-)
So it’s not too late for sweet peas? Something (slug, pigeon, pheasant?) has eaten the sweet peas that I planted out a couple of weeks ago, but I still have some seeds left.
May 2020
10:06pm, 7 May 2020
15,936 posts
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It's later than the packet says - but I figured nothing to lose really...

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