May 2020
7:21pm, 3 May 2020
15,869 posts
Looking good
My bean germination has been poor this year just sown some dwarf runners to make up the shortfall - I hope!
May 2020
8:00pm, 3 May 2020
5,756 posts
Eynsham Red
Well done Angus.
May 2020
8:07pm, 3 May 2020
5,862 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I’ve discovered a broad been plant in the garden. I’ve never grown them so I guess the bean was brought here by an animal from the field a quarter of a mile away where they were growing last year. It will be interesting to see how it does.
May 2020
8:55pm, 3 May 2020
12,423 posts
If they're from a farmer's field, they're more likely to be field beans than broad beans. Same species, but field beans have better resistance to blackfly and harsh weather, and much higher numbers of pods, but generally smaller beans and maybe slightly less tasty.
May 2020
9:01pm, 3 May 2020
15,875 posts
What Cerretonia said! inedible hard black things grown to add N2 to the soil and as animal feed - but not at al tasty
May 2020
11:32pm, 3 May 2020
5,863 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Ah ok. I wouldn’t have eaten them anyway as I don’t like bread beans
May 2020
11:32pm, 3 May 2020
5,864 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
(Broad, not bread)
May 2020
6:52am, 4 May 2020
11,300 posts
Agree, FDNB. I actually planted some a few years ago to see whether they were ready to grow (yes, they are) and whether I liked them now I was a grown up (No, I don't!).
May 2020
6:52am, 4 May 2020
11,301 posts
May 2020
9:35am, 4 May 2020
5,758 posts
Eynsham Red
Markymark, do you double peal the broad beans? As a child I didn’t really like them, but discovered in recent years the trend to double peal them. It takes away the tough, bitter-ish skins. They’re quite a different bean prepared that way. (But if you already know this and still don’t like them, I’ll wind my neck in 😉)