Apr 2020
10:59am, 22 Apr 2020
46,157 posts
I'd be delighted if forget-me-nots popped up in our garden. I love them Along with feral poppies.
Apr 2020
11:02am, 22 Apr 2020
47,718 posts
Thanks, Jacdaw. I think I need to get rid of it because it is taking over completely, even though it is quite pretty. My Mum always had a lovely, neat garden, full of colour, but in the last couple of years she not been able to keep things tidy on a daily basis like she used to. I try and do a bit every week when I visit.
Apr 2020
11:04am, 22 Apr 2020
11,224 posts
Yep, jacdaw. That's exactly what the michaelmas daisy does! Fortunately it can be ripped out in great handfuls if you don't want it is specific spots, with minimal root digging up after needed. My "clump" is now a spread along the back of the bed. (It always comes back/spreads, because it self seeds so prolifically in my garden!)
Unfortunately the invertebrates do include my least favourite slugs and snails, who probaly don't eat it but do seem to hide amongst it at ground level. They go out for meals in the veg bed instead!
Apr 2020
12:13pm, 22 Apr 2020
1,673 posts
I have swathes of forget-me-nots in my garden Between the 2 pear trees on the left you can see some asparagus spears, further back is rhubarb, hidden by the rhubarb is a cloche with peas which are growing very well, the tunnel cloche has broad beans, and under the fleece is the carrot bed, next to which is one of my pots with Stargazer lilies (I get intoxicated by the scent of their flowers ). Between the pot and the forget-me-nots are Oriental poppies.
The tree in the top right corner is one of my apple trees, and between it and the shed you can just see one of my blackcurrant branches, another bc bush in front of the compost bins. Next to the path under the apple tree is one of my California poppies.
Out of sight are my potatoes, more bc bushes, another apple tree, and more as yet non-flowering poppies (Oriental, California and field).
I also have swathes of Chiondoxia, now finished.
Apr 2020
1:15pm, 22 Apr 2020
12,537 posts
I like forget-me-nots too...only a small patch of them along with our primroses which have popped up this year. I didn't plant them!
Apr 2020
2:06pm, 22 Apr 2020
5,656 posts
Eynsham Red
What a great and productive use of space Flatlander. How long is your garden?
Apr 2020
2:21pm, 22 Apr 2020
1,675 posts
ER, about 90' long from the edge of the conservatory to the fence at the end. The start of the forget-me-nots is about half way down. The width is 24', that path goes down the centre.
I chose this house 35 years ago because it has a moderately large garden and I knew I wanted to grow my own crops where possible.
The trees, asparagus, rhubarb and blackcurrants were already there when I moved in, although the blackcurrants have moved around a bit.
Apr 2020
2:22pm, 22 Apr 2020
47,732 posts
Maybe I will leave some forget-me-nots in. This is what it should look like
Apr 2020
2:55pm, 22 Apr 2020
11,227 posts
Very neat and tidy, Dio. Gardens are best maintained like that by doing exactly what you have described - doing bit every week (or at least, every so often!).
A lot of grass to mow for an older person, though!
Apr 2020
3:06pm, 22 Apr 2020
5,778 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
More shovelling of leaf mould and manure this afternoon, hopefully I’ll have just enough depth to plant my seed potatoes into.