Mobile Broadband

4 watchers
Jul 2023
4:01pm, 17 Jul 2023
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My landline/Broadband package is about to expire and will go up to a ridiculous amount for my usage.

I hardly do any downloads, no gaming, no-one else in the house (mostly), I don't have a smart TV and like most people these days rarely use the actual phone.

Have many of you ditched the landline and saved lots of money? I wonder if I could get my mobile phone within the package too.

I would appreciate anyone's advice as I know that Fetchies are a mine of information. :)
Jul 2023
4:12pm, 17 Jul 2023
1,121 posts
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angelrose I'm interested too. So meanwhile I just read most of this
Jul 2023
4:23pm, 17 Jul 2023
43,121 posts
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I have mobile Internet.

Have done for years

I don't have a smart TV

I have a little dongle thing just plugged in the wall suits me fine I don't really stream watched the odd thing on i player

I pay with 3 well out of contract about £13 a month for 20gb I hardly use that though they ask every year if I want to change package for more money. 😂

I guess you've checked your network coverage my actual mobile on ee now my 3rd network in 5 years because coverage is bad in my flat
Jul 2023
2:01pm, 18 Jul 2023
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No landline in Muttley Mansions, just a mobile and 4g home broadband. I'm with 3, currently paying £27 pm but out of contract so can probably sign up again for cheaper. The mobile is also with 3, for which I got a small discount but they're not tied in as a bundle.

I took 4g broadband because when I moved in to this place no fibre was available. It is now but I'm fine with the 4g. That said, this is a one-person household and a family with a couple of teenagers might want more.

I recommend.
Jul 2023
2:03pm, 18 Jul 2023
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3's current offer.
Jul 2023
4:38pm, 20 Jul 2023
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Thanks for your help everyone.

I've decided to stay with EE for another couple of years. I'll be paying slightly less than I am now for the same phone package and fibre broadband instead of the one I'm on now. The bloke reckons I will notice the difference in speed when it's switched over in the 28th.

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Maintained by angelrose
My landline/Broadband package is about to expire and will go up to a ridiculous amount for my usage.

I hardly do any downloads, no gaming, no-one else in the house (mostly), I don't have a smart TV and like most people these days rarely use the actual phone.

Have many of you ditched the landline and saved lots of money? I wonder if I could get my mobile phone within the package too.

I would appreciate anyone's advice as I know that Fetchies are a mine of information. :)

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