Mental health support thread.

39 watchers
Jan 2022
5:08pm, 30 Jan 2022
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Hello everyone, how are we getting on?
Good weekend?
I had my birthday yesterday and for the first time in many years, it was celebrated! I had a very good day so I blogged about it :)
Today, I have been liberating snowdrops. I LOVE my snowdrops and every year I plant some more. Such bringers of hope.
Now, I am struggling with the overwhelming task of moving 20 + boxes of books into my new building... Not helped by the fact that the book case things are supposed to go into on the mezzanine isn't actually on the mezzanine yet: too heavy for my friend and I to haul it up a ladder...
So now I have come indoors for a cup of tea and a cuddle with the cat.
On a positive note though: one box contained lots of photos I thought I had lost!
I hope you are all having a good weekend and abscense of posts is a good thing xx
Jan 2022
5:24pm, 30 Jan 2022
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Hi Hann. I’ve had a good weekend mostly due to keeping myself busy. DIY and housework yesterday. Bike ride with a friend today.

I’ve got a bit of a situation with a friend that is getting to me. Logically I know that it’s not about me but I’m struggling to not take it personally.
Jan 2022
5:26pm, 30 Jan 2022
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Happy birthday Hanneke!
Jan 2022
5:30pm, 30 Jan 2022
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Thanks Andy :)

HP, yes, that is so difficult. Glad you had a good weekend though.
Jan 2022
7:25pm, 30 Jan 2022
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The Terminator
Penblwydd Hapus Hanneke x

HP hugs and wishes it all turns out of is the best I can offer. You're right but logically doesn't always work does it?

My anxiety is just horrific currently to the point I am not sure I can go out the front door by myself. I can keep it under control when with people I am safe with or going to a safe space. And I have booked to go to Nottingham by train on own on Wednesday, a 5 hour journey. Saying that it may be ok as I know I am going somewhere, and to someone, I feel safe with so may (WILL) be controllable.

I do not have an appointment for my initial assessment with Mind though which is good and had a lovely evening last night cooking for the friends who have been putting me up and looking after me and then watching the latest Bond. Their 12 year old daughter decorated my bedroom with XR posters and lots of mindful and therapeutic paraphernalia when I was out with the kids the other day which was lovely too.

peace, love and ki to you all x
Jan 2022
8:54pm, 30 Jan 2022
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Cheeky’s Dad
Sorry the anxiety is giving you gyp Terminator. Just remember that you don’t have to do anything on your own . The Fetch Army are with you in spirit every step of the way. There to watch over you and hold your hand when required
Jan 2022
9:30am, 31 Jan 2022
36,722 posts
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Sorry to hear things are tough TT. It sounds like you know what helps which is positive. Just do what you can.
Jan 2022
9:54am, 31 Jan 2022
85,205 posts
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Anxiety is the pits, as it is so irrational.
Your intellect tells you there is no reason for it, yet your body and mind start doing their thing regardless...
I have tools in place for mine: medical knowledge, yogic breathing, yoga nidra and CBT and NLP...
Still, I cannot wear a mask, to name but a simple thing. I cannot breathe through them my body registers the drop in oxygen and drags my mind into panic mode, which results in a racing heart and shallow breathing, which makes the heart race faster still... It was so traumatic, the first time I put a mask on, in Aldi, 2020, that I daren't go to the shops. I string it out and only go when low on cat food, every 6-8 weeks or so...
I had to sit down you see, outside, and take my mask off and 2 minutes later I would have been ok but they didn't listen and would not allow it, so instead things got worse, much worse! The more I tried to remove the mask, to get oxygen the more I was held down by the manager.

Ambulance came. I explained to my former colleagues what was happening but they strapped me to a stretcher, wasn't allowed to take my mask off... So in stead of giving me a few puffs of oxygen, which would have sorted it, things were made worse as I could no longer move my arms and pull my mask off...
Shit, it is traumatic writing about this now...
Anyway, I was hours in this state of low oxygen and a racing heart, over 200 bpm for hours...
Eventually, still with the bloody mask on, they put me on the 12 lead defib, in the corridor, strapped to the trolley, no food, no drink, unable to move, had to wet myself...

Then they say: you can go now, you are not having a heart attack and you don't have Covid... But I still wasn't allowed to breathe!!!
Jan 2022
9:58am, 31 Jan 2022
85,206 posts
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You cannot easily overrule that trauma. In fact I have moderate PTSD from it...

But what I wanted to say is, TT, that it is good you know what works. I find being with people I can trust helpful too. Just be kind to yourself and cut yourself the slack you need xx
Jan 2022
11:52am, 31 Jan 2022
8,937 posts
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The Terminator
Thanks H and HP

H that sounds like a terrible experience. Big hugs and thanks for sharing and your supportive words. Do you do anything for the PTSD? x

We are all just doing the best we can to cope with the now and the then I guess, just that some have more resilience than others and/or less trauma to deal with, or at least perceived trauma. I have had a lot of lightbulb moments in the last 18 months or so but especially since my recent bout of covid and all the issues that have manifested from it. Things that I have always known are there but haven't faced or realised how they were making me behave and now I'm not sure whether I am happy I am facing them or whether it was easier when I was just running and hiding.

Just re-read my post from last night and just to clarify I DO have a date for my initial assessment with Mind, 14 February, and have no idea how the 'not' appeared but so many things are happening like this right now I have no idea why my brain is doing it. I have been told it is the Covid brain fog and normal. Same as I am told that lot of the physical and mental symptoms I am currently experiencing will go as I recover. I hope so but know now, as mentioned above, that the manic behaviours and anxiety for sure have been bubbling under for a long long time. Running (as in keeping very very busy) and hiding (not sharing my emotions and using drugs and alcohol) have just helped supress them.

I'm by myself today but in a safe space and currently procrastinating from stepping outside the door for even a short walk although physically I know it is what I need. I love being outside and spending time with nature and can feel my physical health deteriorating and my weight increasing which I realise has a negative effect of my mental health too but sort of a Catch 22 situation?

I am sure I will not keep offloading once I have started my therapy sessions but must thank you all for listening and caring in the meantime.

All the best to you all for the week ahead. Peace, love and ki x

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Maintained by MaT.T
Share, connect, talk, listen, advise. Just don't struggle alone.

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