Mental health support thread.

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Jan 2022
2:49pm, 25 Jan 2022
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The Terminator
Hey HP. And there in lays the catalyst for many mental health problems maybe? Our inability to not stress over the things over which we have no control rather than prioritise the self compassion Hanneke alludes to.
Jan 2022
3:03pm, 25 Jan 2022
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I’ve really found a lot of benefit in doing just that ^?

It’s that old saying “control the controllables”. For example being stuck in traffic. Not stressing if I don’t get something done which isn’t urgent. I used to be prone to letting stuff make me really angry and frustrated eg failing to do some DIY, being delayed commuting etc
Jan 2022
4:57pm, 25 Jan 2022
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None of us are HP. It is human nature to struggle with uncertainty and unpredictability.
In fact, my issue with my client is exactly that: I don't know if he is going to twist the knife he stuck into me a month ago or pull it out...
Jan 2022
5:02pm, 25 Jan 2022
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I have a similar thing with my brother who can be unpredictable. He is on medication to control his mood swings. Sometimes he can be quite hurtful to me with what he says - I choose to not retaliate and to leave him be for a while. I accept that he can lash out, but for the most part he is a force for good.
Jan 2022
5:20pm, 25 Jan 2022
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I was super stressed last week.
My friends helped me put things into perspective: it is him, not you.
Then I took control of the controllable: I researched different suppliers of glass, talked to my builder and a solution was found.
I then called the dental practice and told the manager Bupa was seriously stressing me out.
She reassured me and said she turned the Bupa stuff off on my account.
The dentist was extremely caring and had looked at my xrays again and discussed with me his plan of action to conserve crowns and bridge for at least 1-2 years, so I can prepare for big expenses to come in good time.
My feeling of lack of control and finances caused huge anxiety. I cannot control my teeth, but I did control how they and me are being treated.
I still have client stress, but my lovely client who died last week will be replaced come April, so one less thing to worry about.
Now going to keep things simple and avoid contact with "volatile" client by practising loving kindness meditation focussed on him. This helps me, and him...
Then come April, I am going to suggest I will only go there every other week, for 3 hours, alternating with my new client. I will shift 2 existing clients around and go work weekly at one where I now go every other week. That should leave me with Monday and Thursday afternoons for working on my herb business, and 1 Tuesday afternoon a month for Shiatsu/day off for self care.
I need all this structured in my head and written down, to ward of anxiety...
Why writing works so well for me.
I am prone to a racing mind pre-empting disaster... Writing and planning controls this.
Jan 2022
6:02pm, 25 Jan 2022
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TT my mum was on Certraline and did very well on it, apart from night sweats. She thought she had night sweats because she was dying of cancer, so that wasn't helpful, but other stuff was worse. See how you get on with it... It is very dose dependent and quite personal.
Jan 2022
2:08pm, 26 Jan 2022
84,959 posts
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I brought some sunshine in on a gloomy day:
New sofa!!!!
Not bought myself something like this since before my divorce in 2006!!!

Jan 2022
3:32pm, 26 Jan 2022
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The Terminator
Beautiful sofa H. Cat even more so. Well done you on having a plan to try and control the controllables and in turn your health x

Thanks Fields x

Hope everyone having their best day x
Jan 2022
3:43pm, 26 Jan 2022
84,964 posts
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TT thanks ☺️
Good day today! Things are starting to feel.lighter, both visually and physically...
Jan 2022
3:52pm, 26 Jan 2022
2,255 posts
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Like the idea of a sofa long enough to stretch out on. I saw this sign on my walk and thought of you Hann :-)

It’s now almost 9 hours of daylight. Sadly they mostly cover my working hours.

I’ve had a good day. Got up in time for a short walk before work. Was really glad I did but really need to find a better route as half of it was by the motorway. I’m still not sleeping enough though, will try and be in bed before 12. Mood is positive.

I’m in a WhatsApp group with friends and one has suggested we do a group workout tonight via video chat which sounds interesting. I think it will be fun, not sure how it will work but nice to see friends who I rarely see.

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Maintained by MaT.T
Share, connect, talk, listen, advise. Just don't struggle alone.

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