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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Lost Fetchies

186 watchers
May 2020
3:06pm, 19 May 2020
46,617 posts
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Wasn't that Devoted2Distance, and Stander taking the piss out of her selfies by posting photos of himself in a bra?
May 2020
3:08pm, 19 May 2020
63,871 posts
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^ Wasn't said item purchased through the bay of e by Stander? D2D became a ready target on RW if I recall correctly.
May 2020
3:08pm, 19 May 2020
36,294 posts
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he was an Olympian? Wow, didn't know that about him and yes I'm surprised you and he are still in touch Gobi. Didn't seem to be a lot of warmth in the exchanges. Heat, but not warmth.;-)

I know who you're talking about Dio, but can't remember her name. She was quite a quick runner and did London one year but had a tough time with the crowds. She'd rubbed a few people up the wrong way beforehand I think. Or am I thinking of someone else?
May 2020
3:19pm, 19 May 2020
46,619 posts
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eL Bee! chatted off Fetch to Jeremy Huffman for a while and found him a much more reasonable and likeable character in one to one conversation without an audience :) I can't find any reference on Google to him having been an actual Olympian as in having competed in the Olympic Games, although I believe in the US the term is used of Olympic triallists.
May 2020
3:35pm, 19 May 2020
27,546 posts
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I looked too. 4530.I was very much younger then. 😂😂
May 2020
3:37pm, 19 May 2020
69,650 posts
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May have been trials Velo but yes he was / is a very nice chap
May 2020
3:37pm, 19 May 2020
14,461 posts
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Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
D2D got me a wrist slap from Lord Fetch over a comment I made. The first and (so far) the last time I have managed that 😂
May 2020
3:42pm, 19 May 2020
24,050 posts
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*slap* :-) there you go :-)
May 2020
3:44pm, 19 May 2020
10,355 posts
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lol, you ask, you get :-P
May 2020
3:44pm, 19 May 2020
15,600 posts
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Gobi, the only real interaction I had with you (other than watching heated debates on threads when I thought I might be quick one day) was way back in around 2010 when I'd driven down from the Midlands to Bournemouth to help B-Lass organise/marshall a track marathon and then on the drive back, the road was blocked with snow and I was stuck with half a tank and the engine running for warmth. I was a junction or so away from an exit near you and you offered a roof for the night if things didn't improve (they did after a few hours of cold boredom) so you'll have to do a fair bit to dissuade me from the idea that you're not a rather nice chap.

About This Thread

Maintained by Diogenes
Like an old sheepdog, this thread rounds up lost Fetchies and draws them back into the fold, or just fondly remembers those that prefer to stay lost. There is always a place for you here...
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