Long term time illness thread

1 lurker | 24 watchers
Jan 2014
10:45am, 4 Jan 2014
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Happy Bunny
Curly, my main goal is to build my mileage but I think it will be a slow process. I can manage between 3 and 5 miles twice a week but as soon as I do anything else like spinning or circuits it seems to catch up with me a week later and I'm back to square one. Might have to switch to lower intensity cross training so I can concentrate on running maybe 3 miles 3 times a week and build it from there.

Would like to do a half in September which gives me plenty of time. In the meantime I'll settle for some parkruns and maybe find a 10k to aim for in the summer.
Jan 2014
11:00am, 4 Jan 2014
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I am sorry you haven't got any answers yet but do keep trying. I have had a few relapses the past 3 - 4 years best I get from docs is its viral. I've tried all kinds to no avail. Bizarrely it seems to kick in 1st quarter of the year although last year I was so incredibly tired and learning from experience had to slow right down (as can be seem by my training log) it's frustrating not to know what is wrong.

Take care and hope you're well again soon I'm quite see you are not a hypochondriac x
Jan 2014
11:09am, 4 Jan 2014
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Curly, I am still slowly improving on the Lyme treatment. Neurological symptoms have completely disappeared and other symptoms are getting better. I have been able to go for gentle walks and rides and am building muscle strength again. This is so much better than where I was 2 months ago, unable to walk without sticks, unable to work, drive... I am by far not there yet, but functional again. I am glad I didn't take no for an answer and persevered until I had a proper diagnosis. Had I accepted fibro and subsequently MS, I would bei in a wheelchair in a carehome now, not in my own house, tentatively riding my bike again!
Jan 2014
10:21pm, 4 Jan 2014
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Happy Bunny
Hanneke - were you fobbed off with a wrong diagnosis of fibro/ms? Surely you would have had an MRI or lumbar puncture to back up the diagnosis?

Glad to hear you are now on the appropriate treatment for your condition, I hope it continues to improve.

I have nothing but praise for my neuro who got me on aggressive treatment which is keeping me well - No wheelchair or care home for me thank you very much!
Jan 2014
6:14pm, 5 Jan 2014
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Hey Curly, I was thinking today. It hurt.

It seems to me that a combination of training hard, while restricting calories is a risk for getting overtraining syndrome - maybe the brain just thinks that there's too much abuse and not enough reward and decides to go on strike.

Anyway, if I were going through it again, my advice to me would be

Exercise - restrict to not more than 3 x 30 min max per week, and always at a very easy effort - never taxing. If tired, don't bother with it. I used to go out and train hard, enjoy it, think I was better, but feel crap for days afterwards.
Food - eat plenty of good stuff, including fish oils and sufficient vitamins and minerals and don't worry about body weight.
Sleep - get plenty of it - no stopping up late and no boozing. I used to stay up late drinking my sorrows away.

I was accused of being depressed, and I fought against this most strenuously, because I knew that I felt physically unwell, but actually being unable to train when it was my whole life at the time was immensely depressing, as was feeling shit every day for months, and it would have been better to accept that I was depressed and try to get help for it.

The other thing I was wondering about, at this time of year in particular, is getting enough light. The SAD lamps might perk up energy levels and generally make you feel a bit better. Worth a try, I reckon. I got a SAD lamp for Christmas and I'm experimenting with it to see if it stops me from being a grumpy old fuck :-)

Anyway, good luck. You'll need to be patient and put athletic ambitions on hold for a while, whatever you do.
Jan 2014
6:28pm, 5 Jan 2014
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plodding hippo
Dr Bob, this is very interesting stuff
Jan 2014
6:39pm, 5 Jan 2014
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Good advice Dr Bob! Something each of us would be wise to aim for.
Jan 2014
6:40pm, 5 Jan 2014
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Didn't do me any good at the time - I just kept battering myself against it!
Jan 2014
6:41pm, 5 Jan 2014
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plodding hippo
I get that
Jan 2014
6:44pm, 5 Jan 2014
50,198 posts
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plodding hippo
Curly, maybe you had a virus on top of overtraining.
Nowm the medics would *not* get that unless they had some sports training
To davelord, calcium is part of a routine blood work up in my book anyway

About This Thread

Maintained by Curly45
Hi all! Am not injured, nor depressed, but wanted a place to stop the slide into despair from medium...

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