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Knitting, crocheting and general craftery

169 watchers
Jan 2021
2:50pm, 17 Jan 2021
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Alice the Camel
Of course, I meant 40 years ago. I finished university 36 years ago
Jan 2021
2:51pm, 17 Jan 2021
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Thank you all for your lovely comments.

AtC my mum still has the crochet blanket her friend made for me when I was born, I love that you're still using yours.
Jan 2021
3:26pm, 17 Jan 2021
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Did anyone else's granny crochet them anything other than blankets? Mine did.
Jan 2021
3:27pm, 17 Jan 2021
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A few years ago MrsTea was going to make a jumper for one of the MissTeas and couldn't decide who to start with. In the end, we decided to start with the oldest, because it might fit the youngest by the time she finished
Jan 2021
3:30pm, 17 Jan 2021
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My nana crocheted toilet roll disguisers, that had a doll body and head with a crocheted dress to put the toilet roll in. She also crocheted Christmas ornaments - santas and nutcrackers - using a toilet roll tube in the middle to keep it upright.
I don't remember any clothing. She knitted us hat, mitten and scarf sets. Mine was burgundy.

I don't recall my gran ever knitting or crocheting or sewing.
Jan 2021
3:35pm, 17 Jan 2021
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I was a little human yarn bombing exhibition as a child. My mum knitted and my gran did everything. If other people were laughing at my unique clothing rather than admiring it, I was blissfully unaware.
Jan 2021
3:40pm, 17 Jan 2021
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My nan knitted all our school jumpers and cardigans in primary school until sweatshirts with logos became the norm, and we had gloves for a few years too.
Jan 2021
3:49pm, 17 Jan 2021
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Alice the Camel
That’s a very snazzy outfit, Vrap!

I remember Nan crocheting Brownies and Girl Guides, also Santa and snowman, with a toilet roll tube inside. They were pretty hideous but much loved at the time.
I think they might still be in Dad’s china cabinet - perhaps GM could take a photo next time she’s round?
Jan 2021
4:06pm, 17 Jan 2021
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Some excellent work being done, Fetchies - a positive lockdown outcome!

Both my Nans could knit but never did. I thin they both felt they'd done enough by the time the grandchildren came along. My Mum knit all my jumpers, cardies, scarves, hats, mittens, etc, and her sister, a professional dressmaker, made most of my clothes. I think I may have mentioned before that I spent most of my childhood/toddler years looking like I was Cinderella going to the ball. My aunt had two boys, so really went to town on frills, lace and flounces for my girly stuff.

Ness's hitchhiker in garter stitch reminded me of a chat I had last year when I was living with my Mum and doing some knitting. She learned to knit by knitting actual garters in garter stitch for her Grandad (the non-Irish Irish one I mentioned in a recent blog). He only ever wore really long socks that went right up over his knees and were held there by a tied knitted garter. Mum remembers that the socks often had different coloured feet, as her Grandma would undo the feet when they wore out (which of course they tended to do before the rest of the sock), and reknit them in any colour she had to hand.
Jan 2021
4:21pm, 17 Jan 2021
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I'll have a look next time I'm visiting Dad, Alice. Funny how we both remembered the Santa. I'd forgotten about the Guides/Brownies.

About This Thread

Maintained by Helegant

Possible tour of the Strictly costume workshops?

Details here: dsi-london.com

The regular "Behind the Seams" tour starts with champagne, lasts about 2 hours and includes lots of crystals and swishy dresses.

DSI London headquarters

The Courtyard

131 Aurelia Road



If anyone wants to organise a group booking then hand up now please. Groups are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday at 11am or 2pm.

Otherwise we could make individual bookings at £29 each (2pm Saturday or Tuesday)


A thread for those of us who like making 'stuff'.

Recommended yarn/craft shops: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=456

Lists of books/patterns http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=460

Fabric shops - bricks or on-line. fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=556

Article about sewing machines: fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=557

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