Knitting, crocheting and general craftery

1 lurker | 168 watchers
Oct 2016
7:28am, 13 Oct 2016
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My daughter is asking for people to knit breasts for her breastfeeding support peers. They are used to demonstrate technique.
Oct 2016
8:57am, 13 Oct 2016
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Red Ant
Helegant - I can fire off an email to her to see if she can do a few. How many does your daughter need?

Berry - I'm knitting a jumper with sequins. The pattern states to remove the thread from the yarn containing the sequins before sewing up, otherwise if you don't remove the thread it will make the seam "stand out".
Oct 2016
9:15am, 13 Oct 2016
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thanks for the ideas :-)

Red Ant I've looked at the yarn but I can't see how I could get them all off and to be honest I think it would do my nut in trying to take all those pesky sequins off.

I think I will try the crochet together idea, never thought of that, always think of sewing seams together, but will always crochet blanket squares together.

Helegant - I have found a crochet pattern for breasts if you want some. How many does she want? Sorry they wouldn't be knitted, but knitting really hurts my hands :-(
Oct 2016
1:14pm, 13 Oct 2016
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Thanks all. :-) I'll ask her a bit later on.
Oct 2016
4:24pm, 13 Oct 2016
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OK, I asked about knitted breasts, how many and where to send them, and this is her reply,
"It's not a charity, it's the NHS though, and they have no budget for it from what I can tell. Basically each area provides breastfeeding support through the NHS in the form of health visiting, children's centres, and volunteer peer supporters or buddies as they are called here. I'm training to be one of those. The lady who runs the course said a colleagues Mum used to make them for them but doesn't anymore so they don't have anyone to do them! Not sure how many they need but I'm guessing every area could do with them! I googled breastfeeding peer support Bedfordshire in this area and found the contact for round here so it should be as easy as that for other areas as well."

If someone would give me the dropbo0x details I can put the pattern in there. Thanks :-)
Oct 2016
4:36pm, 13 Oct 2016
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SherryB on here works in that area (or used to).
Oct 2016
9:08am, 14 Oct 2016
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Red Ant
I will raise this with our knitting group and see if there is a Support Group in Exeter that we could contribute to?

(What does dropbox details mean - sorry :()
Oct 2016
1:46pm, 14 Oct 2016
66 posts
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thanks for the crocheting together tip :-) it worked :-) thank goodness as I've just sewn in some of the ends and have had to cut off each sequin :-( thankfully they are only short ends so not many sequins to cut off, but if I had to cut off all the sequins on the yarn to sew it together then it would have been chucked in a deep deep hole never to be seen again!!!
Oct 2016
2:54pm, 14 Oct 2016
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Sequinned yarn comes under the heading 'looks lovely in the shop but is a nightmare to use'. Bit like some fluffy snowflake yarn I tried, it was impossible to crochet with as the fluff hid the stitches.
Oct 2016
3:02pm, 15 Oct 2016
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I *thought* (maybe wrongly) that Evil Pixie /Brap and some others had set up an online storage system caled a dropbox where we could post and download patterns to share. I've never taken part in it, so maybe it was a figment of my imagination. Can anyone advise?

About This Thread

Maintained by Helegant

Possible tour of the Strictly costume workshops?

Details here:

The regular "Behind the Seams" tour starts with champagne, lasts about 2 hours and includes lots of crystals and swishy dresses.

DSI London headquarters

The Courtyard

131 Aurelia Road



If anyone wants to organise a group booking then hand up now please. Groups are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday at 11am or 2pm.

Otherwise we could make individual bookings at £29 each (2pm Saturday or Tuesday)


A thread for those of us who like making 'stuff'.

Recommended yarn/craft shops:

Lists of books/patterns

Fabric shops - bricks or on-line.

Article about sewing machines:


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