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Inbetweenies - not skinny, not fat, need to lose around a stone ...

1 lurker | 121 watchers
May 2021
3:37pm, 27 May 2021
308 posts
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If I were you, I'd log my food, and ignore exercise calories for the training during the week, then go for your deficit below BMR*activity_level. I think it's 1.15 for sedentary. So 500-1000 below that depending on how quickly you want to lose. For long rides and runs, I eat back about half of what I use. It's all so personal though. You have try to see to know what works for you.
May 2021
3:38pm, 27 May 2021
25,506 posts
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thanks sounds about right
suffering a real crisis of confidence today
May 2021
3:53pm, 27 May 2021
461 posts
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Pix - I can't cut down on rest days or days that my training is 'light'. I'm just as hungry on those days so I calculate my weekly intake and exercise,( not Garmin calculations which are exaggerated) and divide by 7 and that's what I eat daily.

I log my exercise calories but I don't eat them.

You're training for an IM and you can't train well and cut your calorie intake too much. If you're training 45-90 mins during the week then I would suggest 2,000 a day, with a little extra at weekend when training for longer. That should give you a steady loss without leaving you hungry.
Be careful that you don't take too much extra on at weekends. If I run a marathon I don't eat more than an extra 500 that day.
May 2021
4:04pm, 27 May 2021
25,508 posts
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thanks shades

I wasn't sure how much my "pigging" was constant hunger and how much was "I'm training loads!" as the scales don't change much
May 2021
4:15pm, 27 May 2021
462 posts
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Pix - so you're probably eating more than 2k a day then. Try and cut the crap stuff out and go for filling healthy food which should stop you getting highs and lows which can make you feel tired and want to eat more crap stuff.

If you're hungry increase the protein. Don't skip meals and snack (healthy snacks) if you feel you need them.

Think of your food as part of the training, the healthier, more nutritious the better. That doesn't mean you have to ban anything from your diet, but just consider carefully before choosing what to eat.
May 2021
4:18pm, 27 May 2021
25,509 posts
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very wise words and I totally agree a few crap bits have appeared!

on the question of protein

I've only ever used a protein shake after hard/long sessions - given the current volume of training should I use it after each session?
May 2021
4:24pm, 27 May 2021
463 posts
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Pix - I'm actually trying to lose fat and replace it with muscle. I don't use protein shakes, never have, I just eat more protein in my meals.

I eat 30% protein, I would suggest you aim for about 25%. At weekends when doing longer runs and bike reduce that to 20% use the extra 5% on your carbs.

I'm guessing that it's not the weekends that are tricky for you re food but during the week?
May 2021
4:26pm, 27 May 2021
25,512 posts
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you got it!
during the week I eat!
on the bike I'm bad at eating and drinking better on the run but not great
May 2021
4:26pm, 27 May 2021
74,226 posts
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I used to be sponsored by Torq when 12 and 24 hr MTB racing. I took a protein recovery shake after every session! It really helps building muscle! As well as recovery.

If I were you, as others said, I would focus on training, not diet, but make your food intake part of ypur training

I was given training plans that included when to take what and how much regarding meals, how many cals, energy bats, gells, protein bars, electrolytes, recovery products. Because I was loosing too much weight = condition, I took protein shakes at regular intervals during the day/week, not necessarily after training only.

I wasn't allowed ANY junk food etc.
In my case that was because of too much weight loss, I rode for 12 hours on gells and energy drink only but the same would apply for weight loss.
Calculate your output, balance your input with it.
You wanr to put in only marginally less than you put out, or you won't gain muscle mass. Bear in mind also: muscle is heavier than fat!
May 2021
4:28pm, 27 May 2021
74,227 posts
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And you do not want cravings!
Also: plenty of water!
Remember my water man? Mostly hunger = thirst!

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