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Inbetweenies - not skinny, not fat, need to lose around a stone ...

3 lurkers | 121 watchers
Mar 2021
4:49pm, 11 Mar 2021
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Understood Hanneke.

Way to go Totriornottotri. Approaching 30 BMI seems to be a wakeup call for many people, me included.
Mar 2021
4:54pm, 11 Mar 2021
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My BMI is 22... Just used the NHS calculator. I am 10 years older than when I last measured it and 10 kilos heavier, yet the BMI is the same, interesting!
Obviously, age plays and important role...
Mar 2021
4:56pm, 11 Mar 2021
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Oh and they urged me to stay active but not loose weight 🙄 I popped the button off my trousers, I only currently fit in my new, stretchy, skinny jeans... I am not buying a new wardrobe, I am fitting back into my old!
Mar 2021
5:23pm, 11 Mar 2021
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I think this may be the place for me - been watching but decided it's time to pop my head over the parapet.

A brief intro - I'm 68, currently not able to run (was 2/3 times a week but have had knee/back issues since mid-Dec) and more weight has piled on during the current lockdown. Walking just doesn't burn as many calories and the 'odd' glass of wine doesn't help either!

I've been tracking my weight since 2002 so I have a wealth of data. I weigh myself once a week, normally on a Sun morning post-run, to give me a fair comparison week to week. From my graph, I can see I slowly gained weight between 2002 and 2009 when I peaked at 98Kg (15st 6lb). I managed to gradually lose weight after that (with some ups & downs) and when I retired in 2015 (and with not being stuck behind a desk) I lost weight and got as low as 86.3Kg (13st 8lb). But the weight has gradually crept back on since then, with the current increase not helping and I'm currently 92.5Kg (14st 8lb).

As it says in the header, I could do with losing a stone and getting back to those heady days of 2015. I always imaging 7 bags of sugar strapped to my waist to help me imagine how much lighter I would feel if I could only dispose of them!
Mar 2021
5:29pm, 11 Mar 2021
71,255 posts
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7 bags of sugar! Now there is a good image of what a stone us like!
I get so much talk of: you don't need to loose wait, you aren't fat. No, I am not, but if I don't take action I soon will be!
Welcome WtnMel. Sounds like you will fit right in 😀
I am relatively new and in awe of all the gadgetry and stats etc the others use 😀
Mar 2021
5:41pm, 11 Mar 2021
111 posts
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Hanneke, you can't put on 10 kilos and stay the same BMI unless you got taller too! It's a ratio of weight to height. Anyway, 22 is a great BMI to be at I think.

Come on in WtnMel and we'll lose the bags of sugar together. I'm aiming to lose another 8kg to see what I'm like in the middle of the "healthy" BMI range.
Mar 2021
5:43pm, 11 Mar 2021
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Hope I can fit in Hanneke - time will tell! :)

I'm 'old school' and have a pair of Soehnle scales I jump on once a week. My Garmin (Forerunner 230) just does the basics (how fast/how far) and also tells me how many calories I've burnt - 307 today apparently for a 3ml walk - but I don't take any notice of that and have my doubts it's much more than guesswork on the part of Garmin.

I forgot to say earlier - although I've been tracking my weight for years, I've not gone on any sort of weight-loss drive or made any particular effort. Naively, I pretend I'll make the 'small changes' they suggest will help long-term weight loss (cutting back on biscuits, wine etc.) and never manage to put the ideas properly into practise for any length of time. Which explains why I'm a stone heavier than I was a few years ago!
Mar 2021
5:45pm, 11 Mar 2021
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Northern Exile
I always used to use bags of sugar when trying to visualise weight loss :-) Not that I've achieved much in that regard, for years I hovered around the same weight but in the past two I've managed to lose about one bag of sugar and keep it off - I'm consistently around <67kg.
Mar 2021
5:48pm, 11 Mar 2021
20,089 posts
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I just think in terms of butter - 4 to a kg, so even 250g lost is a whole pack of butter
Mar 2021
5:53pm, 11 Mar 2021
2,070 posts
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Thanks azx - I know that BMI calculators can only give you a rough & ready figure but for what it's worth, I just put my details into the NHS BMI calculator and it suggested my BMI is 29.1 and I'm overweight. There was a very wide range of weights suggested as healthy for my height (9st 3lb to 12st 7lb) and I know I'd be at the top end weight-wise. My initial target is to get back to 13st 8lb but I've often thought that 12st 8lb would be a further target to aim for. However, I tend to go more by what I see in the mirror (the flab and excess fat) rather than what I actually weigh.

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weight loss

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