Jul 2020
3:03pm, 5 Jul 2020
95 posts
In fairness Gobi, I think you could say P&D and Maffetone have been in an experiment of more than one as well. What is boring for one (you) can in some ways be liberating for another (me). It’s no issue and is just the way it is.
It wasn’t a very well paced run. I don’t do enough 5ks at all but I do get better with practice, and I didn’t know what pace/fitness I was at which didn’t help. If I do another one I’ll go out at sub-6:30 and see how I get on. That Jonathan Walton guy I mentioned a few pages ago responded to me elsewhere and said forget the watch (IE don’t look at it and turn off alerts) and I may surprise myself. I may do that at some point. I also know for sure I perform much better in a proper race. I know talk is cheap but I think sub-19:30 in a proper race isn’t that unrealistic for a goal. A few more weeks of this and who knows. Maybe low 19s? We’ll see.
Jul 2020
4:07pm, 5 Jul 2020
70,685 posts
My maf comments were it bored me. I have never stopped anyone from doing it.
Jul 2020
8:06pm, 5 Jul 2020
35,493 posts
@Big G "If your final Km is 13 seconds quicker you can run much faster throughout"....this is pretty much what Gobi said to me once....he was right
Jul 2020
8:36pm, 5 Jul 2020
70,687 posts
It's so true
Jul 2020
9:08pm, 5 Jul 2020
96 posts
Yeah, it's about the pacing, which I wasn't sure of having only ran at my MAF rate for the best part of 10 weeks. As I got into it I settled into the pace and the last 2 miles were the same pace. I'll get better with practice if I do more of them. My main distance is the marathon really and I don't "race" that many 5ks at all but my plan is to get back to MAF for the rest of July and then decide what I want to do in August. I'm hoping some smaller/shorter races so I can sort out a plan incorporating those races. If racing isn't looking likely still I may introduce one or two weekly sessions through August, as long as I can keep my mileage up at about 60 per week.
Jul 2020
7:42am, 6 Jul 2020
97 posts
Kind of an impromptu MAF test today and just decided when I got down to the seafront as conditions were good and I knew it was lower humidity than recently. About 3-weeks after my last one so a bit early I suppose. It was my quickest average pace (8:57) but there's still a lot of work to do as the pace does drop off quite dramatically - 08:42, 08:37, 09:00, 09:08, 09:16. It's the quickest I've done but I'd love to see all those under 9s.
Anyway, 1-mile MAF test, the 5-mile test and then 4-miles afterwards means 10 for the morning so a good start to the week.
Jul 2020
8:55am, 6 Jul 2020
1,346 posts
Paul N
I tried one of these last week to have as a benchmark.
I actually went the other way. I'm never straight forward!
9:18, 9:12, 9:14, 9:12, 9:08. Ave HR was 140 for each mile.
Jul 2020
9:06am, 6 Jul 2020
11,423 posts
Having now done MaxHR, I'm thinking about RHR this week.
Is RHR the lowest you can see on a HRM when really trying to be calm and still, or is it something a bit higher than that? I can evidence 48 for 10-20s intervals when really calming myself and relaxing, but typically more like 51-52 for just plain old "being still". I was over-thinking as usual and concluded that "resting" HR wouldn't be quite the same as "minimum" HR.
(As an aside, I find testing low HR really annoying as if I get myself into a nicely relaxed resting position I always find I have to exert myself to read what my HR is and that bumps up the values!!).
Jul 2020
9:09am, 6 Jul 2020
30,388 posts
I'd take the 48. I presume you'd get that lying in bed?
Jul 2020
9:28am, 6 Jul 2020
11,424 posts
Sat watching TV actually - though not the news
The practical difference it makes to zones isn't significant (plus 1 or 2 beats on the tops of the zones, so if I stick to the middles of the zones anyway that's no great change), but I do like to be clear about these things!