Oct 2009
11:28pm, 9 Oct 2009
5,606 posts
J, lets not turn this into a POSE thread please. POSE has it's place and if I could be arsed I would post the link
Hendo, welcome. You've come from a Parker training plan. Amiright? Where are the similarities with Hadd, where are the differences? You've seen some big improvements in your marathon, what's happened over the shorter distances? Give us some stats as well, not your girth please
Oct 2009
11:30pm, 9 Oct 2009
8,518 posts
Once you have your technique down you will love slow running:)
Oct 2009
11:31pm, 9 Oct 2009
180 posts
Nice Hendo, HADD training is the bomb! No doubt about it. I'd never manage the miles I'm doing if I was doing a couple of speed sessions a week
Boab, don't get me wrong, I'm close to 70% but its just getting used to slowing down that much that has been difficult to get to grips with.
J, my current technique, at all paces, is just fine just now cheers so change that to a
Oct 2009
11:35pm, 9 Oct 2009
8,519 posts
No intention of making this a Pose thread, but you need to realize that I do not beleive that one should ever attempt to ignore "how " they run regardless of the training method they may use. of course that is my opinion.
Oct 2009
11:36pm, 9 Oct 2009
181 posts
Sooo, getting back to HADD, one thing I did notice is that when I did the test, my slowest pace was 8.45s but when I run it can get to 9:15s even in the first few miles. Why's that? Also I've found that the middle paced runs i.e 75% of Max seems to be be the one that is clearly improving in the past few weeks. Is this also a common theme? On ma second bottle on wine btw so excuse spelling please
Oct 2009
11:40pm, 9 Oct 2009
26,368 posts
I started on parker, yes, but what... 3 years ago now? That was the start of when my distances started going up. I'm not as prolific as many people on here, but I was doing okay mileage. My aim on most runs in the past 12-18 months has been to end a run feeling like I could go round and do it again. Training was pretty much focussed on ultras, and the Fling in particular. So, most runs sub 70% (often around 65%) of WHR, with one speed session a week working on target pace not HR.
I have read some parts of Hadd, but am not well versed enough to make any sensible comparisons.
Okay, some stats - I'll do the last 2 years. Ignore the last 3 months because I ruined my feet in the Highlands.
5k - I'll ignore because I only did my first one last year and ultra training means sub 20 still eludes me. 20:03 pb. 10k - Around 47 to 42:32 10m - 1:20:12 to 1:11:51 Half - haven't raced one for ages Mara - 3:47 to 3:37 in last 2 years. The 4:25 one 3 years ago was the reason I started HR training - my endurance wasn't up to the distance. I tend to try and race one mara a year.
What I find on shorter races, say a 5k or 10k, is that I can nail it from the start and begin to hurt after a few minutes, but the endurance built from base training allows you to hang on to that level of effort for longer than you think you should!
Permission to throw eggs at the Huff if he goes on about POSE to me.
Oct 2009
11:41pm, 9 Oct 2009
5,607 posts
Yep J, and I agree
There are many people out there who don't have any issues with running and, in my opinion, they should be left to get on with it. There may well be improvements in efficiency gained by switching to POSE, but I am a firm believer that if it isn't broken then it requires no fix!!! Do you agree?
Getting back to Hadd approach, you still haven't answered my questions re typical weeks training when you were an elite athlete?
Oct 2009
11:43pm, 9 Oct 2009
182 posts
Hendo, granted Great stats btw
Oct 2009
11:44pm, 9 Oct 2009
26,369 posts
Oh, and one criticism of myself - I don't do enough tempo runs or other speedwork once I am happy I have established a decent base. I'm lazy, basically, but love racing hard.
Oct 2009
11:45pm, 9 Oct 2009
26,370 posts
Thanks Tizer