Oct 2009
9:50am, 10 Oct 2009
10,370 posts
eL Bee!
Chirunner - the foundations of my training are like this, and I've only used gels in a Marathon once, and subsequently wondered why I bothered!
Oct 2009
9:53am, 10 Oct 2009
592 posts
el, I might have guessed! When I was running (3 years ago in themy early hadd days) for 6 months as slowly as I was you need some reassurance and the best words on his whole thread were the following from this link ...... "5. Nowhere will I tell you that you should always run everything slow, but many people read a few lines here and there and make that interpretation. Here are a few facts about this: a. You probably need to slow down a lot at first if you're going to use this approach. b. You shouldn't expect to see much in the way of positive results over the short term. The results appear over weeks and months. If you want a quick fix, this is not the approach for you. "
Oct 2009
9:55am, 10 Oct 2009
7,632 posts
I asked the question about running before eating on the efficiency thread a few months back as i'd started doing my weekend runs before eating. Furthest I did was 9.2 will check log to see if I maintained pace.
Oct 2009
9:55am, 10 Oct 2009
3,482 posts
Big Al Widepants
It's also been a tremendous help to have a programme of training that I can believe in. Getting it squared away in my mind at the beginning has allowed me to focus on my training without feeling tempted to switch from one system to another. I do believe that some of the benefit comes from simply ramping up the mileage. But equally, most people wouldn't be able to do that volume without curbing the pace. Having a structure helps me in the same way that streaking does - never having to make the decision whether or not to go for a run. It's happening and it's less stressful because of that.
great improvements Chi
Oct 2009
9:56am, 10 Oct 2009
7,633 posts
I asked the question about running before eating on the efficiency thread a few months back as i'd started doing my weekend runs before eating, I expected it would have a fueling benefit when racing. Furthest I did was 9.2 will check log to see if I maintained pace.
Oct 2009
9:58am, 10 Oct 2009
593 posts
I should have also added from the leitner note which spoke to my circumstances..... 7. I mentioned in another recent post in the last version of this thread that there is a major paradox with aerobic development. Those who have very poor aerobic conditioning will have a terribly slow pace at a "deeply aerobic" low heart rate. These people will have to spend a lot of time at low heart rates to develop their aerobic systems and it will be painfully slow for a while. Even a very small volume of higher heart rate activities will tend to interfere with the process. I
was in this category and I experienced this as have many others. Those who have strong aerobic conditioning can already run a good pace at a low heart rate. These people can add a significant volume of higher intensity stuff and can still see further aerobic development. I am in this category now. It's the ultimate insult to injury.
Oct 2009
10:00am, 10 Oct 2009
31,361 posts
Interesting comment about gels Bee
I never use them training but always use them when racing. I like to finish always fuelled just like when I start.
I am convinced that sometimes it is placebo but I also know in Ultras I have benefitted from good fuelling.
Oct 2009
10:00am, 10 Oct 2009
7,634 posts
Run was laps of a 2.3 mile route and I died a little on the last lap which was about 40 secs slower than the rest.
Oct 2009
10:02am, 10 Oct 2009
1,788 posts
Belper Bear
I've got Leicester Marathon tomorrow but once that is out of the way I'm seriously thinking of giving this method a serious go. I've been reading with great interest!
Oct 2009
10:06am, 10 Oct 2009
594 posts
I think if you did a vote from the hadd devotees you would be hard pressed to find a single instance of a marathon where they had hit the wall so you would think there was an interest from marathon runners in this. But as with chi running if I mention this stuff to running friends i typically get ignored/blank stares so am really pleased that I can discuss it here....