Aug 2020
3:59pm, 3 Aug 2020
17,045 posts
My sub LT runs have progressed from the 7:40s to the 7:10s with a best of 7:06mm pace.
Aug 2020
4:12pm, 3 Aug 2020
35,018 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Bazoaxe would you say HADD is similar to 80/20
Aug 2020
4:22pm, 3 Aug 2020
17,046 posts
I don't know what 80/20 is ?
Aug 2020
4:28pm, 3 Aug 2020
35,019 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Book by Matt Fitzgerald looks at running 80% of your running at Zone 1-2 (Basically 70% of MHR) and the other 20% at Tempo and interval. But some weeks it’s 90/10 I’ve done a few low HR weeks.
Aug 2020
4:32pm, 3 Aug 2020
17,049 posts
Similar. HADD base phase is twice weekly 10 mile runs at 80% max HR and when you can do these with no HR drift you nudge the effort up. The rest of the running is below 75% max and below 70% max if recovery days
Depends how many miles you do, so probably a higher percentage of faster miles, but not quite as intense
Aug 2020
5:52pm, 3 Aug 2020
1,147 posts
I think 80/20 is similar but some of the 20 per cent runs are faster than Hadd would suggest. They are both variations on Lydiard training methods so you would expect them to be similar.
Aug 2020
1:00pm, 17 Aug 2020
8,323 posts
I think 80/20 is probably the stage after the Hadd base training. Hadd wanted the athletes to get everything they could out of that base phase with the 80-85% sub lactate threshold runs twice a week. After you plateau with Hadd base, you move onto the specifics, like 80/20, where 80% of the training is jogging and 20% is flat out at your target race pace or quicker.
Bazo, that's great movement in the 80% of MaxHR runs!! You'll be wanting to race soon on those numbers?
Aug 2020
1:26pm, 17 Aug 2020
1,707 posts
Interesting BOAB, I'm 7 weeks away from a virtual London run and to be honest apart from decent mileage my training hasn't really had a marathon focus (the odd long run, most running around 70-75% max HR, quite a bit of hilly stuff, few unstructured sessions with running mates, etc.). Would you think I'd get anything from 4 weeks of double sub L/T runs rather than having a short marathon build up.
I guess I could kind of blend the two....? I'm getting good returns on the beats per mile (which I always like to track) but not quite sure what from my running is causing this?
Aug 2020
8:49pm, 17 Aug 2020
35,049 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
So I’ve read HADD a few times it’s like 50 miles then add in a few tempos
Aug 2020
10:41am, 18 Aug 2020
8,324 posts
Hey Brunski, when I was training under the hadd protocols, it took a long time to plateau out. I would notice changes in HR/effort every 6 or so weeks and I would have a much longer build up to a target marathon because of the slow progress. Those last 12 weeks is where I would switch out one of the sub lactate runs, for marathon paced work. That's me though, and everyone is different. I think with the virtual VLM in about 7 weeks away, I reckon you would get more out of marathon specific work (IMHO). It looks like you have increased your endurance base already if you are noticing improved HR outputs.
HOD, lol, I think Joe (the fictional or not character from those papers), was topping out at over 100 miles a week