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Greater Manchester Marathon 2020

36 watchers
May 2020
9:22am, 15 May 2020
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That’s an interesting article Nelly. Another big issue would be the portaloos wouldn’t it? All those people queuing up for ages and then door handles etc - even with hand sanitiser I wouldn’t feel too happy.
May 2020
9:29am, 15 May 2020
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If the estimated number of infected people had dropped say from c.150,000 today down to say 25,000, what's the chance of one of those 25,000 being in the race and spreading it?
May 2020
9:44am, 15 May 2020
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well that's about 1 in 3000 so there would be a few in a large field. It will be important to limit close crowding for a while yet I would say. I usually turn up last minute and hop the fence into the pen, spend about 5-10 mins in close proximity to those around me, and from the personal risk point of view I would happily do that right now if allowed. But it's not just about personal risk, it's also about social harm.
May 2020
9:54am, 15 May 2020
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Maybe a mandatory self isolation period after participation in a large event? Could limit the potential for onward transmission. The difficult thing is it would have to apply to everyone in the household. OK for us because one of us could just live in the camper van for the duration of the quarantine but not very feasible for many.
May 2020
9:55am, 15 May 2020
1,651 posts
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Also, clearly doesn't work for people who cannot work while self isolating.
May 2020
10:00am, 15 May 2020
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I think starting out with small events is the way to go. There's simply no point thinking about a 20,000 person event for a while yet.
May 2020
10:23am, 15 May 2020
16,424 posts
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Parkrun Marathons :-) 8 and a bit laps of the one lappers
May 2020
11:10am, 15 May 2020
584 posts
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Not only number of runners you need to consider when holding big events and the spread of a virus. Assume that each runner brings someone with them and the number doubles. Most will need to travel on public transport at some point - either to get to there or around the course ( not forgetting that Manchester has the relay ). Many will want/need to dine out then add into the mix all the volunteers and supporters on the day and the risk of spreading a virus increases. Hoping that there will be a period when we can start to resume smaller club / group runs even if that is within a small bubble of people known to you but i doubt big events will resume until 2021.
May 2020
11:16am, 15 May 2020
26,706 posts
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Wriggling Snake
If you hold a small event, how do you control the numbers turning up? You can't. You can't guarantee it, and no organisation is going to say ok we'll put on a race, and if somebody pops their clogs from covid, that's your fault, let alone an organisation getting insurance to cover it, let alone people willing to go given 50,000 have died.

Indeed, I cannot think that there will be any races for another year or even more, the virus has to be eradicated first, and that is a long way away. That's because nobody can control how many, and where people come from for any race at any time, or how many friends, rellies and supporters turn up, that goes for Parkrun too. I seriously doubt there will be a Manchester 2021 Marathon in the spring....
May 2020
11:38am, 15 May 2020
7,367 posts
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Um...you just have people pre-enter. Lots of events have limited entry. Anyway it's all pie in the sky for a while yet.

I think the likelihood of there being no races at all before this time next year is....remote. But I wouldn't be so confident about there being big spring marathons like Manchester. I certainly hope so, but there's a long way to go.

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Maintained by Nelly
Race CANCELLED (twice) :-(

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