Feb 2013
1:48pm, 28 Feb 2013
24,069 posts
That type of thinking is just relationship suicide
Feb 2013
1:48pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,547 posts
Actually - the stuff about the dishwasher is real.
Feb 2013
1:48pm, 28 Feb 2013
24,070 posts
Oops - I meant that last one in response to MY previous post, not Pootle's
Feb 2013
1:50pm, 28 Feb 2013
24,071 posts
There's a world of difference between "I'm not having sex with you unless you empty the dishwasher" and "If you helped me more around the house I'd be more likely not to be too stressed and tired to do it"
Feb 2013
1:50pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,548 posts
See - women are bloody complicated. I think "fucked up" is putting it a bit strongly though.
Feb 2013
1:51pm, 28 Feb 2013
1,370 posts
But if what happens is "I don't want sex with you now" "Why not" "You didn't do the washing up" it's quite possible that it's not really about the washing up at all. It's about feeling that there's something wrong, and getting really fed up that he never does the washing up, and that's the only reason you are prepared to mention. I can imagine just simply not feeling able to talk about it properly.
Disclaimer: I absolutely *can* talk to OH about this sort of thing. One of the (many) best things about the relationship. But that certainly hasn't been the case in all my relationships, even long lasting ones (11 years, for example).
Feb 2013
1:52pm, 28 Feb 2013
10,298 posts
runner duck
i assume the hypothesis is based on something/one you've seen tho?
and i'm intrigued to know why you were holding on to that view of women whilst the women on the thread were saying otherwise.
i don't know anyone who wields sex (or lack of) as a punishment.
and that wasn't what was going on in McG's original cases.
Feb 2013
1:52pm, 28 Feb 2013
24,072 posts
Women are quite uncomplicated: if we regularly get bit of respect, consideration and attention we'll pretty much do anything for you, biology permitting.
Feb 2013
1:52pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,549 posts
I know a real example of a woman who was so angry with her husband for sitting and watching Dr Who and rugby on the telly all afternoon instead of helping her with the compost heap that she shouted blue murder at him when he dared suggest a bit of hanky panky that evening.
Not fucked up - just bloody angry and hence not in the mood.
Feb 2013
1:53pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,550 posts
It wasn't Mrs Caterpillar BTW.