Feb 2013
2:00pm, 28 Feb 2013
10,302 posts
runner duck
Feb 2013
2:01pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,553 posts
Hold on - two different answers from the females here. "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" and "if i'm angry I am not going to feel frisky."
Am I permitted to remain confused?
Said husband probably thought - she decided to dig out the compost heap while the rugby was on. What the f**k has that got to do with denying me and herself some fun in bed?
Feb 2013
2:03pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,554 posts
I'd be delighted with that Pootle. Beggars can't be choosers.
Feb 2013
2:04pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,423 posts
I have a newsflash for Caterpillar: many women enjoy sex. But they're probably not in the mood for it if they're pissed off with their OH. Doesn't seem too complex to me.
Feb 2013
2:05pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,555 posts
Oh fair enough. Mrs Caterpillar is permanently pissed off then. Why?
Feb 2013
2:05pm, 28 Feb 2013
10,303 posts
runner duck
no, it's perfectly simple!!
1. If i'm in a bad mood for whatever reason then i am highly unlikely to want sex. not as a punishment or to be mean to my oh, but because for me i don't feel horny when i'm angry/upset.
2. deliberately choosing to withold sex because of a perceived wrong from my oh would be cutting off my nose to spite my face if i wasn't actually annoyed about it anymore i was just doing it as a punishment.
we also have to factor in the fact that doing or not doing of chores is not going to make me particularly angry or upset.
does that make sense now?
Feb 2013
2:05pm, 28 Feb 2013
2,271 posts
Just thought I'd pop in with this: this thread is moving way too quickly for me to be able to contribute in any meaningful fashion. It's a great debate though. You're all right, to a greater or lesser degree.
Feb 2013
2:06pm, 28 Feb 2013
21,946 posts
My two pennorth' worth - I think we can substitute "sex" for pretty much any joint activity that either partner may not be too interested in if the other partner's perceived not to have pulled their weight around the house/in the relationship generally. I guess it's because sex (for some) has such import that it's perceived as a bigger slight if it's denied/withheld.
Feb 2013
2:06pm, 28 Feb 2013
10,304 posts
runner duck
i thought it wasn't mrs caterpillar?!
Feb 2013
2:06pm, 28 Feb 2013
12,393 posts
Because she just a grumpy old cow?