May 2014
10:22pm, 31 May 2014
1,322 posts
Krissie and KP you are both doing brilliantly. Its very early days for you to be worrying about weight, which I know is easy to say... KP your body has had a horrible year, give yourself a break! breastfeeding will make you hungrier but also burns more calories. We are all only human and some days its just not possible to fit in going out to do some exercise...
May 2014
10:32pm, 31 May 2014
3,939 posts
my youngest is 9 mths now, I am still a little heavier than i would like but had a fat and muscle assessment on thurs night and those gave me hope the thing is, breastfeeding and running a lot will definitely get your body to return to shape quicker but if there are problems such as mastitis or other kids to look after it is hard to do. and i have come to realise that it really doesn't matter, in the long run, we all get there and we can all run and exercise all our lives (hopefully) but only have babies for a very short time, if it's not coming naturally, forget the weight for now and just enjoy them being so little.... it goes too fast.
May 2014
10:34pm, 31 May 2014
4,853 posts
I'm totally over eating honestly, I'm sooooo hungry.
oh and I've a novice tri tomorrow. what was I thinking?
May 2014
10:46pm, 31 May 2014
4,854 posts
Wise words mummyV
May 2014
10:52pm, 31 May 2014
3,940 posts
well that is me as well. i eat like a horse, and i know i have to stop but Remy is a keen boob addict so for now I am kinda ok, I et well in the day generally but then snack like crazy every night. 10 mile undulating race tomorrow, that *should* burn off some of the cookies i have just eaten good luck with the tri!!!!!
May 2014
11:09pm, 31 May 2014
4,855 posts
Wow, that's me too! Exact same. Last year when I was in my mini menopause I tried so hard to lose weight and it didn't happen until the meds wore off. i wonder if I need the hormones to calm down a bit before the weight comes off or just to stop eating?
May 2014
11:13pm, 31 May 2014
3,941 posts
I do still feed a lot, he eats well but if he is fussy or tired it's on the boob as i have other things to do than listen to him moan for ages so by default I am feeding a lot, he is currently cutting tooth no.8 and is just a whingey bubs....I don't mind the feeding at all but do get really hungry at night (that's the 3rd kit kat right there!!!) craving sugar massively. I will just have to be strict when I finally reduce the feeds and wean him off....
May 2014
11:18pm, 31 May 2014
4,856 posts
we sound v similar. I drink squash all the time and wonder if it's giving me a sugar rush?
May 2014
11:27pm, 31 May 2014
3,942 posts
I drink lots of water but also ribena especially after a run, to be honest I don't think much has changed for me with either baby, I always eat a lot, then try to curb it after but this time around I am not as rushed in reducing feeds which in turn means I get to keep boobs (and belly!!!) for a bit longer....but your baby is still very young and you do need the sugar, seriously, I am only just now ready to weigh myself, it just takes longer with each baby and if you are not sleeping enough and are constantly busy running aorund you will need an energy boost. wish i could say that celery work the same but not for me
May 2014
11:35pm, 31 May 2014
4,857 posts
I think that's true, I wasn't slim before and I never found losing weight easy. Why would that change now!