
1 lurker | 220 watchers
May 2008
7:58pm, 24 May 2008
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Hi Nightjar, I pressed the 'start' button as per normal, and the timer was working. Luckily I looked at it when I was finishing the distance I set, so I know what time I did. But nothing was saved - very strange.
May 2008
9:35pm, 24 May 2008
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Re the previously mentioned probs with the Garmin communicating with the Training Centre: I created a course and downloaded it to my 305 - no problems. I came to upload todays run and it wouldn't communicate with the training centre. The only way I got it to work again was to delete the newly downloaded course (my one and only course on the 305). Once done I reconnected and all uploaded fine perhaps give it a go.
May 2008
7:56am, 25 May 2008
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DIY Diva
error message FYI

May 2008
7:58am, 25 May 2008
3,194 posts
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DIY Diva
and IanM's helpful article:
May 2008
10:11am, 25 May 2008
76 posts
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Hi BJ I can't even get mine to show the virtual partner on a "Quick Workout". Works fine if I already have a course saved and run that one but tyhe quick workout option doesn't work at all. I must be missing something. I thought you could set say 4 miles, 35 mins and run against that but I can't get it to work.
May 2008
10:25am, 25 May 2008
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Hi 26 miles, that's what I did, set a distance and pace. I had to scroll through the screens to find the one with the little men running on, then I kept scrolling back to see the time & distance.
F1 Fan, my run wasn't even on the Garmin history, so I don't know where it went :-(
May 2008
11:20am, 25 May 2008
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26m - seem to remember that there is an option somewhere to show VP in workouts or not.

(I may have dream that - I will check later!)
May 2008
11:21am, 25 May 2008
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yes there is...

training - training options - virtual partner, and set to on
May 2008
1:58pm, 29 May 2008
4,364 posts
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my sportstracker is saying there is an update only just like when I 1st had my garmin it doesn't like to install.

can't remember what I did last time!

I'm on vista ... can anyone remind me how to install Sportstracker on vista!

also do I need the update and finally how/where do I get the elevation plug in thing?
May 2008
2:05pm, 29 May 2008
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link to elevation thingy in the 305 article Pix

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