FishEveryone: the Fetchland swimming wire

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Jan 2022
12:51am, 17 Jan 2022
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Ah, well that was the point, they didn't yield to the faster swimmers at the end of the length, basically causing a traffic jam and making it impossible to do any form of continuous swimming.

Not normally an issue, but when you've got 6 in a lane, the only overtaking is possible if people yield at the end of a length.
Jan 2022
7:07am, 17 Jan 2022
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fozzy- in that situation I tend to head to the faster lane but be very prepared to yield to the faster folk frequently. That is a less stressful situation for me than running into the back of people or being with people who don’t allow me to go past at the end.

I’m going to do my CSS test this morning…wish me luck! It’s just to get a baseline, I’m expecting it to be slooow.

I use my tempo trainer for cadence and for pacing for intervals. Cadence really needs to improve so I am using it to get out of my comfort zone.
Jan 2022
8:15am, 17 Jan 2022
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my pool is apparently too narrow for lanes (err nope) so is split into 2
this means you get the talkers in the slow lane and those doing laps in the fast lane regardless of speed
Jan 2022
8:45am, 17 Jan 2022
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Katie - I considered it, but that wouldn't have been a good idea - I'd have been dangerous in that lane. There were already 6 people in it and swimming much faster in the lane.

What it needed was for a member of staff to ask a couple of people from the no2 lane ("medium" lane - 5 swimmers) into the no 1 lane (4/5 swimmers - "slow" - most of these not swimming continuously) and then move the breaststrokers from the no3 lane (apparently also a "medium" lane with 6/7 swimmers).

The "fast" lane had 6 in it as I've said.

The problem is staff are afraid to ask to people to move to an appropriate lane in case someone is offended.

The other issue is the council will only open 1 pool in the evenings and insist on the smallest pool because it's the most recently rebuilt one.
Jan 2022
9:06am, 17 Jan 2022
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The Mussile
rf_fozzy Its a common issue. I am often the fastest swimmer in my local pool (if I go to most of the others nearby I am nowhere near the fastest so its not a humblebrag or anything) and I often have to deal with slow swimmers in the fast lane as it is nearly always the quietest lane. Thats sort of fair enough when the pool is busyand something I just try to deal with, what irks me is its never the fastest swimmers in the medium lane that move lane but the slower ones and they seem to hold the opinion that I can swim around them rather than them yielding.

What people forget/don't know is that the fast lane swimmers tend to be swimming to a pre-planned session and when you are catching the same swimmer every 2-4 lengths it really messes with the plan. That causes massive frustration and can make your session feel like its wasted. I always go to the pool with a couple of planned sessions in mind to accommodate lane traffic - if its busy with slower swimmers I will do longer reps that are a bit slower and if there are quicker swimmers I will do shorter faster reps. Personally I hate feeling like I am holding someone up and would rather be inconvenienced myself than inconvenience others.

The message that needs to be understood is that even in a busy lane with 8-10 people if you are all swimming at a similar pace everyone will get a better swim than a lane with 4 people all swimming at wildly different paces.

I've complained to pool management many times about people not following the etiquette and nothing ever changes so I make a conscious decision to not get frustrated about it and to work around it. I might use them as a target, can I give them almost 2 lengths headstart and catch them in 4 lengths or I just try and time my sets to give me the longest time before catching them.

The lifeguards could do more as it can become a safety issue with fast closing speeds, the problem is when dealing with that they aren't then watching the whole pool. People should also be prepared to move themselves, on the rare occasion I do a kick set I often move down a lane as I know I will be slow.

Having said all that the one thing that absolutely boils my p*ss is when I am in the middle of a hard rep and a slower swimmer kicks off the wall as I am steaming in to turn absolutely killing my flow and that rep. There is just no need for that ignorance #rantover
Jan 2022
9:40am, 17 Jan 2022
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Northern Exile
..... one thing that absolutely boils my p*ss is when I am in the middle of a hard rep and a slower swimmer kicks off the wall as I am steaming in to turn absolutely killing my flow and that rep. There is just no need for that ignorance #rantover

Amen to that, infuriating isn't it? I'm mostly demoted to the medium lane nowadays and I often find slower swimmers in there who absolutely don't adhere to etiquette and often do exactly what you describe, meaning I have to break my rhythm and work harder than I want to in order to overtake.
Jan 2022
9:57am, 17 Jan 2022
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Angus Clydesdale
Back in the olden days, when I was an angry young man, it wasn't unknown for malingerers to be swum over (surreptitiously, of course). These days, as a man of leisure, I get more opportunity to choose quiet times to swim.

Speaking of which, I really ought to get out there and open this year's account. I've got an event to train for... :)
Jan 2022
10:19am, 17 Jan 2022
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Katie - I considered it, but that wouldn't have been a good idea - I'd have been dangerous in that lane. There were already 6 people in it and swimming much faster in the lane.

6! Blimey. I think I was imagining a much quieter lane, sorry if I missed that in a previous post. I can totally see your reasoning. At most I have 2 or 3 others in my lane, but often just one and today was that most joyful one in my lane at all! Perfect for getting my CSS done.

Sadly it was very slow but hey ho it's a baseline.
Jan 2022
10:22am, 17 Jan 2022
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[did this thread used to be called Why is swimming so hard?]
Jan 2022
10:26am, 17 Jan 2022
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Yes Katie!

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A bit of TI, a bit of SwimSmooth, a lot of Fetchie support, advice and bants


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