Nov 2011
8:16pm, 13 Nov 2011
16,787 posts
Lol! I'm already planning moving a bug to the main road so that any bliddy cyclists who are stealing my Conq zones pick up my bug! :-)G
Nov 2011
8:16pm, 13 Nov 2011
2,930 posts
I may have to take my Garmin on the school run tomorrow morning and see what I get!
Nov 2011
8:31pm, 13 Nov 2011
10,339 posts
Katie's home - bye folks
Nov 2011
8:36pm, 13 Nov 2011
16,788 posts
Hi Princess KatieB(W2B), bye Lord Fetch! :-)G
Nov 2011
8:56pm, 13 Nov 2011
325 posts
Hi all, Question for Sir Lord Fetch...
I spend half my time in two different areas - Renfrew (home point) & Birmingham. Been in Birmingham so far this month, done 3 runs. FetchPoint score -42.
FetchPoint recent activity shows SYSTEM gained 42 in penalties. Is this because I've not done any runs in my home zone yet...?
Or a bug due for ironing...?
Thank yooooo
Nov 2011
9:03pm, 13 Nov 2011
2,963 posts
mrs shanksi
First cycle logged: 2083 points and I am 11th
Now to look up MikeR's address and stick a traffic light on *his* street
Nov 2011
9:22pm, 13 Nov 2011
573 posts
Idea - as a purchasable item, can we get "tacks" to scatter over a road to stymie those pesky cyclists ;-)?
Maybe they could not show up on the map, minus 1000 points from anyone who logs a workout as cycling and passes over them, and add 1000 to the placer? Maybe make them a one use item?
Might act as a good way to level the cycle/running playing field...
Too controversial for this early in the game?
Nov 2011
9:24pm, 13 Nov 2011
574 posts
PS - not directed at any cyclist in particular, Mrs Shanksi. You just got my brain going
Nov 2011
9:25pm, 13 Nov 2011
6,451 posts
My nearest markers are 2 miles away from my house!
Nov 2011
9:34pm, 13 Nov 2011
2,964 posts
mrs shanksi
southendal - oooo controversial! I don't do a lot of cycling, don't worry!
I've just bought two traffic lights, one for MikeR's street (to get him back for putting one on my street) and one for the Aberdeen Esplanade to get all the parkrunners