Nov 2016
7:57pm, 22 Nov 2016
14,773 posts
You sound to have given it plenty of thought, Cuddy. I hope it works for you.
Nov 2016
11:28am, 23 Nov 2016
3,171 posts
Forward planning is really important. It helps to think about the various scenarios in which you might be eating (home, cafe, friend's house, at work, while travelling), take a view on what will be available and plan accordingly.
When I'm eating out I always take a little pot of extra virgin olive oil with me, so I can put it on salad instead of whatever is supplied, which will almost certainly have sugar or honey in it. Or I'll make sure I've got some nuts or olives in my bag, so if there are slim pickings on the acceptable food front, I've always got something I can nibble on. Fortunately, with LCHF, hunger is much less of an issue, so if I end up having only a small amount it's not a problem for me.
Nov 2016
9:29pm, 23 Nov 2016
3,787 posts
Doing some forward planning of my own.
Nov 2016
10:00pm, 23 Nov 2016
4,806 posts
I'm not really worried about the physical hunger, I'm more worried that I get fed up and frustrated about life and will then face plant into red velvet cake. And will rediscover control only once I'm lying on the sofa, in cake delirium.
Nov 2016
11:05pm, 23 Nov 2016
14,774 posts
😂😂 Talking of cake, I went to the Co-op this evening to get some fodder for the staffroom as we've got a mock Ofsted thing going on tomorrow and Friday, so I thought I'd provide sustenance for the staff. Anyway, there was this mahoosive chocolate cake reduced down to just £1.59 because the sell-by date is tomorrow. I'm glad I had an excuse to buy it and I'm not that keen on chocolate cake so won't be tempted to eat any of it.
Nov 2016
12:42pm, 24 Nov 2016
3,789 posts
Thanks GM, you've reminded me of something quite important. I have eaten many a slice of chocolate cake in my time, but actually... I'm not that fond of it.
Worse, I eat mince pies and Christmas pudding, but the dried fruit is like a drug to me; I don't really like the taste, but once eaten, crave more. I very rarely eat grapes because I find it hard to eat just a few. Does anyone else find that particular foods trigger that response?
Nov 2016
6:08pm, 24 Nov 2016
3,888 posts
Cuddy - alas most food is like that for me!!! Crisps are my downfall. I eat chocolate and I don't really like it. I don't like choc cake.
Cheese and biscuits are a bad move for me. X
Nov 2016
6:38pm, 24 Nov 2016
14,775 posts
Anything cake based seems to be my food of addiction. Also if I open a bar/box of chocolates, I find it hard to limit myself. The same with Haribo, Moam, pick 'n' mix - I think it's a true sugar addiction! I rarely binge on savouries.
Nov 2016
10:46pm, 24 Nov 2016
3,173 posts
Anything with sugar. One part of my brain can be thinking "this actually isn't very nice" while another part is saying "more! More!
Crisps and salted/dry roast peanuts can do it too.
Nov 2016
11:29pm, 24 Nov 2016
3,889 posts
I am laying here awake again as foolishly I had some chocolate this evening and now I can't sleep. When will I learn?