The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free.
But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient.
Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead.
Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?
I was on a BC Ride Leader training course all day yesterday and as I was the back marker I was constantly being asked if I was in place - my answer every time was "I'm here" and in my head it was Katie's voice 😂
I'm playing catch-up and listened to episodes 9 and 10 this weekend. Another two great, episodes, well done!
I'm (one of) your listeners from New Zealand - I've been in NZ for 11 years, but was already a fetchie before moving out. I'm going to guess that I am your furthest away listener, unless anyone is listening from the South Island?
The birthday running segment was very interesting to me as I will be 40 this year (next month now it is April, eek), and have been wondering how to celebrate. Luckily my birthday is on a Saturday, but unluckily the days are starting to get a bit short and stormy in May here, and I haven't been doing many long runs recently.
Not sure about NZC, but Running Beard is Christchurch based. Hard to know if they listen to the podcast though!
I am 18,739 km from the fetch headquarters, Christchurch is 18,918. The Chatham Islands are just over 19k km, I suspect that is the furtherst you could easily listen to the podcast from. The aptly named Antipodes Islands ( are furthest, but I bet there is no wifi or mobile data there!
I've uploaded episode 13 - but do please prepare yourselves mentally before listening - Katie is NOT HERE this week as she's been hugely busy with work.
Or search for 'fetcheveryone' in your favourite podcast app - let us know if it's not listed.
Leave your comments and content suggestions on this thread.
Contributors We love getting contributions. Here's how:
1) find somewhere with minimal background noise 2) recording on a smartphone is fine 3) start with "Hello Fetchies, it's..." 4) a couple of minutes is a good length 5) don't worry about ums, aahs and pauses. We can edit them out. 6) email the file to
Episode 93: The Christmas Poem
Episode 92: The Office Party - Without Further Ado
Featured Fetchies: Linds, Fleecy, Dipps and TeeBee and the mystery of what's in the bag (37:10) Two vVMLM experiences from Fizz (40:00) and Gimmemedals (44:20)
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