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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Fetch Pregnancy Club

3 lurkers | 172 watchers
Nov 2015
9:04am, 29 Nov 2015
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"Lucky Dave" that made me spill my coffee :)
Nov 2015
3:56pm, 30 Nov 2015
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We had a hospital tour on Saturday and they said we aren't allowed to plug in phone chargers!
I guess in case it's dodgy and blows up the electrics or something. We have some mobile power packs so I suppose we'll take those.
Nov 2015
4:47pm, 30 Nov 2015
22,773 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
That's ridiculous OB
Nov 2015
6:20pm, 30 Nov 2015
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Take your charger anyway :-)

Sylvie has her first cold :-( She went to see Santa on Saturday so I expect there were quite a few germs floating about. I hope she gets over it soon, she's supposed to be starting swimming lessons on Friday and her little swimming nappy arrived today :-)
Dec 2015
10:23am, 2 Dec 2015
165 posts
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I would ignore that ob I bet everyone else does.

Hope Sylvie gets well soon BC.

Hazel had 24 hours of colicky crying yesterday. I felt like I was going insane. But we had a good night last night and she seems a lot better today. Fingers crossed...... Anyone else experienced this?
Dec 2015
11:22am, 2 Dec 2015
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Yeah, I've had a few days like that. I put it down to either a growth spurt or a developmental leap. She might do something new for you today :-)

Sylvie's much better now, just a bit snuffly, she passed it on to me though! She learnt how to launch herself out of her bouncer now so I'm going to have to strap her in whenever I leave her in it.

15 weeks today. Time is just flying!
Dec 2015
12:04pm, 2 Dec 2015
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Ahhhhh. *Happy sigh*

I've just caught up with his thread and read back from May... lots of babies and new babies and it's as lovely as I remember in here. I'm still not pregnant.....let's face it, never going to be again. And Man-Child is rocking out over in Australia, has been since the start of the year....and he has now extended it for another year.

It goes sooooo fast! One minute they're in your arms, the next you're sending each other still messages from opposite sides of the planet.

A huge Huzzah and Congratulations to one and all........ *skips out of thread for another 6 months* See you all in May.
Dec 2015
10:04pm, 2 Dec 2015
1,497 posts
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Could be a Wonderweek lambkin? thewonderweeks.com The 3 C's - can't remember them but crying, cranky and something else followed by developmental ability. I think H had read the book and followed the phases to the letter. I think there is an app now that warns you a Wonderweek is approaching so adjust your diary accordingly! I remember husband and I despairing that we didn't know what was going on, we had tried everything and then we would remember the book and sigh relief that is was 'normal' and temporary.

Had 20 week scan today. Confirmed total placenta previa. Eek! So knicker watch continues, hoping that all will stay calmed down from not doing much work wise or at home and avoid the whole bed rest/prolonged admission/premature c-section business for as long as possible. All hopes of a nicer birth experience out the window but baby is doing well which is what it is all about, and we saw him enjoying using the placenta as a trampoline.....
Dec 2015
4:45pm, 3 Dec 2015
3,983 posts
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Wine Legs
Hello! Thank you ALL for your list suggestions. I promise I wrote a reply, hit submit, and then my bloody useless internet up and died on me and I forgot to check if it posted or not. Which it clearly didn't. Now I just need to make a spreadsheet out of all your fabulous recommendations. I love a spreadsheet, I do. (In other news, new FIBRE internet went live on Monday, and I am as happy as a pig in mud about this!)

I've just been browsing Christmas maternity t-shirts. Can't find one cheap enough (NO I am NOT paying over £30 for a flipping tshirt I'll wear just a few times, and most of them are, not surprisingly, for singletons)... anyway, i digress... my favourite one said "Jingle Belly". I like that. It's too far removed from my fetch name though to change it probably.
Dec 2015
4:52pm, 3 Dec 2015
11,825 posts
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Sorry if I'm repeating, but hospital bag - don;t make it too full, as carrying two babies in car seats out of the hospital will be enough to carry on the way out - so try and stick to one rucksack. Spare clothes, water spray, food for you and Binks, baby clothes, hats, phone and charger, that should do it!

About This Thread

Maintained by Tiggia
In the club? No not a running club, in THE club - discuss it here - cravings, mood swings, antenatal things, bowel movements...

Latest arrivals:

Battlecat - Gracie - 16 October 2017 pram
Neems - Isobel - 22 September 2017 pram
CornishEva - Thomas - 25 July 2017 pram

Expectant Fetchies:

louise182 - EDD 15 October 2017 pram

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